Artwork of Barnabas Graham

A series of sketches/design sketches of Barnabas by me - before and after the surge.
Good reaction-images, and a good range of emotions and expressions for the character. 
A commission by the talented Saniika - and a colored version colored by me with permission.
Fantastic set of pieces of art by Pample - of Barnabas and Jingoro with Barnabas
Cute expressions & color portrait by avionetca - not perfectly accurate, but I love the expressions and general professor-y feel :3
Fantastic piece by Le-Vent-Art - with Barnabas and Jingoro in his satchel.  Fantastic realism, and great job with Barnabas's features
Just about perfect example by InkyDemon - shows Barnabas eating magic items; in his nice suit; even includes the quills mixed in wit his hair. 
Razuri-chan does the most fantastic sketch pages!  I got this one of Barnabas and Jingoro - love the little characteristic nods
dbkunbr has an awesome anime-style that lends itself well to Barnabas
And my friend Trenton surprised me with this commission by kevinTUT for Christmas!
A surprise gift from Kamiki!   I had more refs of Barnabas since  avionetca last did the sketch page, and this one gets the character much better - and seems to be a good look at him a little further into his new life vs just having changed and still clinging to his old life ^^.
A truly fantastic piece by the talented Vesner - click the link to see the runes moving over Barnabas's face :3 
A fantastic bust portrait of Barnabas by TovioRogers!
I commissioned Pample to redo the sketch I did of the scene of Barnabas and Jingoro in thie cat-ridden apartment - and she really did a great job!
Sotursi's adorable Barney & Jingoro