An Angel's Death, A Devil's Birth

By Mousira

Stepping back, the mortician fell to the ground and covered her mouth as she stared at the scene before her.

It was just moments before this man had walked in, solemn and calm. His voice and attitude was like others who’d come before. Those who were here to confirm those passed away.
He was an oddity in a few ways. His clothes, while common, looked to make him uncomfortable, as if he’d rather be wearing a suit. And his hair was a length and shade of white that she had to force herself to look twice before realizing he was younger than his hair indicated to her. His eyes were the most striking. A platinum colour yet seemed to flicker with the image of something dark and sinister.
His voice shook only once as he asked to see the body of her latest ‘guest’. It was then she had a feeling that he was the loved one she feared would arrive when she had seen the lovely young face.
Taking him over to the nearby wall, lined with it’s many cold metal doors, she looked them over and stopped as she came to one name; Samantha. Unlocking the door, she grasped the metal table within and rolled it out.
A light-teal blanket covered the figure underneath. Taking the blanket at the head, she folded it down to allow the face to be seen. Here, the man had reached two now visibly shaking hands down to place them on either side of the woman’s face.
The mortician sighed, having seen this a few times in the past. The recognition as the hope those with loved ones in here had that it may not be them becomes shattered. She was about to ask the man to allow her to lock the corpse back up and sign the release forms so she could be moved to a funeral home when her eyes fell on his hands.
The man’s hands had changed to a dark black. She was almost tempted to think she had merely missed the fact that he was wearing gloves until she saw the strands of black mist floating off them and up about his arm.
Glancing up at his face, she had the biggest shock of all as two slits opened, above and below his eyes to show new sets of glowing red orbs. His own platinum eyes had shifted colour to match the others.
Softly, he released the dead woman’s face and walked to the side of her table. With a sudden howl of rage, he threw his fists into the wall, cracking it.
From her spot on the floor, the mortician could see his white hair shifting to black and beginning to float about him. Trying to move quietly, she began to shuffle backwards.
Forgetting the wall behind her, as she’d always stood to the side that would allow folks to run back out should they feel too upset to stay, she couldn’t help but gasp as her shoulders thumped into it.
The man spun to look at her as the last visages of him faded away and he became a creature of nightmares. The last thing the mortician remembered before all went black was the tears streaming from the creatures eyes…