By J. R. P. “Tiger_kisa699”

Chase looked at him self in the mirror. He pulled his long blond hair back with his finger and then shook it out. He turned the stud in his furry ear and then began brushing his long sharp teeth. He brushed out his tail and then looked for something out of his closet to put on. It was his first day of High School at Dr. Moreau's School. The only School any children, or parents if they wanted to further their education, on The Island of Dr. Moreau could attend. It was required for the children born to his experiments to attend the school up through High School. And if the adults wanted to take some classes there was a small amount of college level stuff that was offered.

Chase pulled on some baggy black shorts that came to his knees and then pulled on a white shirt. His tail poked out the back of his shorts. It was spotted like his mothers but thick and fluffy like his father’s wolf tail. He looked very much like his father, long blond hair and a thick build. But he had quite a few of his mother’s spots, rounder ears and her eyes.

He walked down stairs and saw his mother at the stove cooking some eggs and his father was reading a news paper that Dr. Moreau's men typed up every week. There was a section on the happenings about the island, as well as a rather long section on the happening in the rest of the world they were now cut off from.

"Morning Mom, Dad," Chase said to his parents. His mother turned and smiled at her son. She poured the scrambled eggs onto a plate for him and then turned the stove off.

"Good morning Chase! Are you ready for your first day of high school?"

Chase nodded. He’s been looking forward to school for a while. He liked school, like most of the other kids on the island. There wasn’t much else they could do, or were allowed to do anyways. His father, Ambrose, looked over the paper at his son.

"High school here should be better then in the rest of the world. That should be an advantage. Not as many fashion trends or peer pressure as we had."

Chase ate his eggs and nodded, "I know dad you tell me this every time I start a new school year."

His father liked to point out the advantages of living here... Though Chase knew that his father hated living here, as much as the next person trapped on this stupid island.

After his mother, Angelina, had handed him his stuff for school he kissed her goodbye and told his father he’d see him later. He left the house and walked down the road toward the school. Cami was waiting for him halfway down the trail. Cami was another child born on the island. She was a month younger than he was, so they were in the same grade. She smiled and waved at him as he walked closer. Chase had liked her for about a year now; like he’d tell her that. They had been friends since they were about five.

"Morning!" she said. Her large cheetah-styled ears rotated to catch the sound of a bird flying from a tree. Most of her was cheetah-styled: her spots, her tail, her face and her ears. She smiled and walked with him down the road. She had her backpack on, her hands at the bottom of the straps under her armpits. She was in a purple shirt and had written the word 'Princess' on it herself. She was in black tight pants and her tail swished as she walked with her head up watching the sky. "I'm so happy to be starting high school now! Gosh, we've been waiting for this forever, huh Chase?" She looked at him and he nodded.


They said when they reached high school that they would finally find someone to date. It was not allowed to date till freshmen year of High School. If you were found dating before then, your family was fined money.

Cami was a very cute girl, one of the prettiest girls in a grade old enough to date, and he knew several guys that were going to try and ask her out today. but he was going to do it first.

"Oh I hope some one asks me out today," Cami said. She had dreamt of having a boyfriend for so long and she had had her perfect wedding planned since she was ten. Chase looked over at her and smiled.

"Oh, I’m sure there will be no problem there."

Cami smiled at him. What Chase didn't know was that Cami wanted him to ask her out. She had known for so long that she wanted Chase and would say no to anyone who asked her out until Chase asked her. But Chase, being a man, had never picked up on the hints that she wanted him to ask her. But he liked her, so he had it all planned out...or so he thought.

"Cami...I need to tell you something..." he blushed under his fur and thanked God that it was there to hide it. "Cami I..." But before he could finish, he was tackled from behind and he and the tackler went rolling down the hill. They stopped with 'oaf' as they hit a tree. Chase turned to see a very funny looking teen shaking out his black hair. "Rocky! What was that for?"

Rocky smiled and stood, offering Chase a hand up. "Just saying good morning," he said with a devilish grin. Cami was laughing as she walked down the hill toward them. She was holding her sides and tears streamed down her face from laughing so hard.

Rocky was Chubby and Joliette's kid. His body alternated fur and scales. He had hair on his head and down his back and hard protective scales that covered his belly. His nails were very sharp as well as his teeth. His head was shaped like his mother’s, long and lizard-like and he had no visible ears. He had a long hard tail that was hard as rock. Unlike his mother he walked on two legs, but could easily run on all fours if he needed to.

"Oh Rocky, that was so funny! But uncalled for! Chase was talking to me! What were you going to say?"

Chase looked away and frowned, "Never was nothing." He fixed his shorts and shirt, then started back on his way to school. Cami and Rocky started talking about what kind of homework the teachers would be giving them and how hard it might be.

As the three of them walked up the stairs to the school they were greeted by three more friends. Gabby, Jake and Mark walked up to them and smiled. "Morning," all three of them said. Chase nodded a greeting and Cami and Gabby talked about their break they had had, like they hadn’t spent it together. Mark smiled at Cami. He was one of the guys that Chase knew who wanted to ask Cami out.

"Hey Chase, why do you look so dirty?" Jake asked as he brushed some dirt and grass out of Chase’s hair. Chase rolled his eyes and shook out his hair.

"Rocky tackled me and we rolled down the hill. It was his way of a good morning," he glared at Rocky, who threw up his arms and shrugged.

"Sorry man I couldn’t help it. I saw an opportunity and I took it." He smiled.

Chase rolled his eyes again as they headed down the hall to their lockers. He smiled inwardly when he saw his was across the hall from Cami’s. He put his stuff inside and took a deep breath. Ok, I can do this! Now! I’m going to ask her before someone else... As he was saying this to himself he turned and saw Mark... He was talking to her and he took her hand. She smiled at him and nodded. Chase cursed himself, grabbed his books and headed to his first class sadly.


By J. R. P. “Tiger_kisa699”

Chase walked out of his third class with a sigh. He didn't even have class with Cami. He groaned as he walked to lunch. He wanted to eat and figure out if Cami was really dating Mark. He got the lunch they served and sat down at an empty table. He looked around at the other kids. It was quite an interesting thing to see. Most of the other kids here had interesting things about them.

Odd markings and interesting body appendages of everyone, they all looked like their parents…or bits and pieces of their parents. Like Chase’s parents everyone else had parents that had been experimented on and turned into animals.

He heard someone walking over and saw Cami and Gabby walking up with their own try of food. They were talking and then Cami laughed at something that Gabby said. Her head went back and her eyes closed as she laughed at Gabby. Chase wanted to see that laughing face for ever! She was so perfect he didn't know how to tell her. She sat down with Gabby across from him and smiled at him. “How was class?”

Before Chase knew it he’d said it. “Will you go out with me Cami?” his eyes widened at his own words. He’d meant to think it to him self but it had come out. He turned a deep shade of red under his fur and tried to stand to leave and hid…away from the laughs that were sure to come from the two girls sitting across from him.

As he stood Cami grabbed his hand and smiled. “Yes.” She said with a smile. Gabby was smiling and looking very happy.

“Y-yes? But didn't…didn't Mark ask you out?” Chase sat back down very confused.

Cami nodded. “Yes he did. But I turned him down because I wanted you to ask me.” She said, looking a little embarrassed.

“Really? You wanted me to ask you? But…why?”

Chase you have to ask? We’ve been friends for so long…we’re so close that I’ve grown to love you…” she paused realizing she’d said that. Gabby looked at her eyes wide then stood.

“I’ll leave you two alone…” she said and walked off. Chase was glad. Her parents were Father Young and Chana. She had her mother’s Beaver teeth and brown hair, as well as her father’s horns, though smaller because she was a female. Chase liked her but he wanted to talk with Cami.

“You’ve grown to love me? Do you mean what you said Cami?” Chase asked as he settled back into his seat.

Cami looked down and Chase was sure she was blushing. “Y-yes Chase I mean it…did you really mean to ask me out??”

“Yeah Cami…I did. I meant to ask you this morning before I was tackled but I didn't have a chance and I didn't want to ask in front of Rocky…” he said as he looked down at his food.

Cami smiled and reached over and took his hand. “Chase lets go do something…hang out or something after school ok?” she said with a smile as she held his hand. “We can get used to this whole dating thing.” She said. She let go of his hand and picked up her fork with a smile.

Chase nodded. “Yes, that sounds like a good idea. We can go to the beach.” He liked the beach, with the sand and the water. And it was freedom in a way. If there was and easy way out it was to go through the water and find a way past the barriers. He wanted off this island and to see the real world.

They ate and talked for the rest of lunch. They talked about the class’s they had, had that morning and what they thought their next teachers would be like.

When lunch was over and they had emptied their trays they headed to their lockers to get their stuff for their next class. As they walked down the hall talking Chase reached over and took Cami’s hand. He looked at her to make sure she was ok with it and was greeted with a happy smile as they laced their fingers together and smiled.

A few people looked at them as they walked down the hall. Some of the girl looking up set cause Cami had Chase, who was as good looking as his father, and the boys cause Chase had Cami now.

Chase smiled to him self feeling like the happiest person in the school right now. They got to their lockers and let go of each others hands and went to their lockers to get their stuff.

They med in the middle of the hall and took each others hand again. Chase walked Cami to her class and said bye with a smile then headed down the hall to his class.

“Oh man how did you do it Chase! I didn't even get her!”

Chase looked over his shoulder and saw Mark walking up to him. “Oh Hi Mark. And what are you talking about?” Chase said playing dumb.

“Man you got Cami! I asked her this morning, and so did 4 others, but she turned them all down! We thought she wasn’t interested in getting a boyfriend! How did you do it man!?” he asked as he slapped him on the shoulder.

Chase smiled and looked at his friend. “It just kind of came out. I didn't really mean to ask her but I did. She said that shed been waiting for me to ask her. So we’re dating now I guess.”

“You Guess? What are you mental!!! Of course you are you dunce!! You were holding hands in the halls! Are you going to tell your parents??”

Chase nodded. “Yes, after we hang out after school.”

“Hang out! That’s great! Have fun with that!” Mark said as he patted Chase on the back and turned into his next class. Chase walked down two more class rooms and then into his next class with a smile. HE, Chase Maurlias, was dating Cami Sharp.



Chapter 3

Chase waited out side for Cami. She had needed to talk to her teacher a little bit about the homework that she had gotten. Chase looked around and waved bye to some of his friends that passed. He turned and looked around then felt someone tap his shoulder. He looked back and saw Cami standing there with a smile, her tail swishing happily.

“Ready to go Chase?” she asked with a smile as she took his hand and walked down the stairs with him.

“Yeah. Well drop by my house so I can drop off my stuff and tell my parents that we’re going to the beach then we’ll go back to yours and you can do the same ok?” he asked with a smile at her.

Cami nodded and smiled back and they talked about how their first day was and what teachers they liked and or didn't like.

Chase and Cami walked into his house with her and asked her to sit in the living room as he went up the stairs to put his stuff away and leave a note for his parents, who were out shopping or still at work or the lab cause the car wasn’t there.

Chase went up stairs and put on a sleeveless shirt and some different shorts as well. He ran his hands through his hair real quick then headed back down the stairs. Cami was looking at some baby pictures on Chase that were in the living room. Chase smiled and walked into the kitchen to leave the note on the fridge.

He walked back into the living room to see Cami waiting by the door. She smiled as he walked over and took her hand. “I left a note. Let’s get over to your house to tell your parents ok?” he said with a smile. She shook her head and followed him out of the house. They walked down the hill in silence just holding hands and looking at the nice foliage of the island.

They passed a few people, teachers or neighbors, on their way home. They smiled and said a nice good afternoon as they walked to Cami’s house.

Once shed gone in and dropped off her stuff and told her parents they were going to the beach she came back out with a bikini top and shorts on. She smiled as he stared at her, he was blushing under his fur but she didn't know. She took his hand and pulled him toward the beach. “Oh come on! And shut your mouth before a bird takes nest in there!” she said with a giggle.

Chase smiled and shut his mouth with a small laugh. “You look nice in that bathing suit Cami.” He said with a smile as he wrapped his arm around her waist and they walked down a path to the beach.

Cami smiled and rested her head on his shoulder. “Thanks Chase. What were you planning on doing at the beach? Swimming or do you want to build a sandcastle??”

Chase looked around thoughtfully. “I'm not sure. I haven’t thought about it fully yet Cami. What one or something else would you rather do?”

Cami looked around and thought about it for a second. “Let’s build a sandcastle! And it can be a dream castle in the real world where we, everyone on the island, can go and be able to communicate with the real world if we need to. And we don’t have to hide ourselves and be separated on this stupid island and controlled and watched over by some crazed psycho scientist.” Cami said. She started off saying this all dream like and happy, and then she got madder as she finished her statement. She wanted off the island and into a real normal life she had never been able to experience.

Their parents had been human so they knew what they were missing. Some of them didn't miss it and some people did. A few of the people had gotten so used to it just didn't matter any more.

“I know Cami. That sounds wonderful.” He hugged her tighter as they finished walking down the path to the beach.

They walked over to an area of the sand that was wet form the waves but was no longer getting wet. They sat down and build their sandcastle.


After building their castle and then demolishing it and having a big sand fight that ended in Cami dumping sand down Chase’s pants and then having to go into the water to get it out of places he didn't want sand in they lay on the beach holding hands and watching the water.

“I wish there was a way that we could swim away. Away from this island and be with people…and be happy and know what a real life is like.” Chase said. Cami nodded and watched a seagull fly by. She sighed and nodded.

“There has to be some way we can do it. What if we stole the supply boat that comes once a month?”

Chase thought about this. It was true if they worked it out enough they could try and take over the boat. A small yacht came to the island every month with news from the world and issues of several newspapers that were to be edited and distributed to the people of the island so they were informed on things that were happening in their parts of the world. The newspaper put something in each issue from where every changed person had originally come from. It might work if they planned it out carefully enough.

“I’ll work on something. But don’t tell anyone about this ok? We could get in trouble, lots and lots of trouble.” Chase said looking at her seriously.

Cami nodded and smiled she rolled over closer to him and brushed a lock of hair out of his face. “Yes, I know I won’t tell anyone. If we get locked away we can’t run away.” She said with a smile. Then she leaned forward and kissed Chase softly on the lips. She looked back at him and smiled as she tickled him in the side. “We should go back home for dinner.” She said after Chase wiggled out of tickling range and pinned her down.

“Spoil sport.” He said. He kissed her back and then stood and helped her up. They held hands as they walked back up the beach and to Cami’s home. Chase hugged and kissed her good bye and then headed home to his house.

“Mom, dad I’m home!” Chase said as he walked into the house. His dad was in the living room reading the same paper from earlier at breakfast.

“Have fun with Cami today?” Angelina asked as she walked into the kitchen and gave him a hug.

“Mom! Why would I tell you that!” he said as he blushed under his fur. He fixed his hair as his mother let him go and began working on dinner.

Chase walked up to his room. His dad had smiled at him but had turned a page and found something else more interesting in the paper. Chase sat at his desk and took out some paper. He began working on a plan.

He tried working out some way he could get it to work. How could he get off the island with Cami. He drew out the island and all of its blocks and barriers. He was going to spend as much time on this as he could.

He tried finding a way through the water barriers, finding a way to steal one of the many flying apprentices and even sneaking onto the boats. But none of them seemed right. And he kept coming back to the stealing of the supply boat.

So he set to work on that. What he’d need. Working out what time the boat came and for how long it was left alone so he had time to set it all up. He had to figure out how to get the code to open the gates in the water for the boat to go through. It was all going to be complicated. But if he and Cami got to the main land and the real world he didn't care how complicated it was going to be. He had to do it.

Chase woke up in the morning still at his desk. He had the plans all figured out. What was left to do was get the cod information and read up on how to drive a boat.

He got ready for school. He was going to show Cami his plans and see what she thought. She might even have an idea on how to get the code and open the water gates.

End of Part One.