Gaia Name:Yui_Himiko
Medium: Keryboard
To Leave my Past

To trod upon a lonely road
Is a painful choice I have to make
As I watch as a sullen story unfolds
In every footstep I take

The lights of my yesteryears have all come to black
In the memory of that one grim day
And as I try to get farther and farther
The harder the ghosts pull me to stay

To run away is an obligation
So I can heal their wounds
Yet behind those shadows, a teardrop fell
Bathing the lifeless tombs

The past is a history no one can leave
Cause traces will always graze your heart
Nothing can take anything away from it
Nothing can tear it apart

And now I look at the blinding light
In its hand, the future holds
And as I wander to find my soul
This great epic was told.