Entry: True love
Gaia Name: Amira Keller
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Referred by: Reithenko, i hope i spelled her name right.

As the pain dies down,
the mind retreats,
the anger recedes,
into what once was,
a little boy,
confused in dream,
finds himself,
in a haze of torment,
a creature of tormetn,
a thing filled with pain,
the boy now a man wonders what to do,
wonders whats left before it takes him,
what wasn't taken and lost,
lost in the storm of this being,
the wreck of what left him this way,
without love, until,
he opens his eyes,
and its dark again,
stumbling for that person he once was,
he moves blindly,
until a light takes shape,
the shape of a beautiful woman,
and he follows it,
what else is left,
as he gets closer her reaches out to her,
this love,
this happiness,
his future,
his everything,
she embraced him in her love,
loving both sides,
caring for him,
holding him in her embrace.

This is about Sabin Duvert and his wife Samantha Blaire.