Entry: A Poem about Sabin and the Anju.


Deeply ingrained,
Positioning the wheel
Where once swam dreams.
Deeply ingrained, the lights of my eyes
Reflect a shadow of a scent from sin.

Where was the song?
What lingered in essence,
Etched away somewhere,
As if a foreign idol.

Breath renders me useless,
I stand here, on the verge of eternity,
My lungs only mustering a dusty S.O.S.

Where was the song?
What lingered in essence,
Mounted in a time that had slipped out
Far from here.

Tinged with shadow,
Just like the lights of your eyes...

The debris from sin,
That comes from white washed dreams
Laced heavy with falling graces,
A brand from that shadow
Cannot be washed off.

Where was the song?
What lingered in essence,
Gaunt, scribbled out bluntly,
It all made too much sense, after all.

Gaia Name: Baniru