Entry: A Tail of Trial and Love
Sabin & Samantha

He sat there staring at the glass of scotch as the whore next to him rubbed her foot along his knee trying to get a rise out of him. He looked at her horrid face which was caked in makeup ,rough ,and long drooping black hair ,making her appearance all the more ghostly. But still looking upon this whore's face reminded him of her, Samantha . The woman he loved with all his heart , the woman he had to protect at all costs even from himself. Is that not why he had come to Paris , to get away from her protect her from the monster he was becoming , Paris was perfect to escape he could blend into the dark subculture , even though he hated the large number of people , and never be seen again. Yet it had only been six days and all he could do was think of her ,he wanted to be with her, he wonted her to be safe, and that is why he had to forget about her. He had been going around
Paris trying to forget her to another woman a woman he could never care about or love as he loved her.
He began moving his hand up the whore's leg slowly feeling the motion of the skin and she came into his mind again. That first night as he pulled the flowing gown of her perfectly curved form, the fabric falling to the ground as if it never touched her skin. He slowly undid the laced union flannel as he kissed the soft , smooth , skin of her neck. Peeling the lace from her skin he took in the entire sight of her : long tumbling mahogany hair, flawless semi hourglass figure, and the most stunning emerald eyes that looked of the forest at mornings dawn. He moved his hand along the rune shape birthmarks ,that outlined her curves perfectly, and placed his lips upon hers taking in her aroma of sweet honey dew. He had to stop thinking of her.
Sabin kissed the whore ferociously pulling down upon her shoulders almost suffocating her. The obvious smell that this woman had not showered in day attacked his nostrils. That first time he had met her in the park on a humid summer afternoon, she was caring her parasol and taking to her aunt, which he did not know at the time, and some of her friends. She was mesmerizing in the afternoon light ;then she turned a saw him and began to giggle. A few moments later she came over to me and we began an innocent little conversation about the weather and it truly was love at first sight , or maybe just a slight attraction, but it bloomed into so much more. She never pointed out his little oddities such as his hair, teeth , and ears but instead took a great liking to them and would always twirl his make shift pony tail in her fingers. It was the first time anyone had loved him in truth since he was a child and they ran away together for their own adventures in life. They would spend their days idle in each others company she would pose for him as she sowed cloths and fabrics and they would go off on small adventures to see the world or just explore the nearby woods. Later he would learn that she had ben sent to live with her uncle, who was a wealth business man of some sorts, and was betrothed to a young noble man ; but she had given up her former life to be with he and see the world, she had given him everything and he felt that he had nothing to give in return.
He could no longer take it , this treachery of her love. He pushed the whore out of the way trying to get to the door, knocking over the table spilling drinks and food onto the ground with a loud clamor. As he stumbled his way through the mess a few of the people in the bar turned their heads to stare at what the source of the ruckus was. He had finally made it to the exit of the building the effects of the alcohol and emotional stress were taking over him. He sprinted across the stone streets as horses and carriages tried to maneuver out of his way. A guard at a near by post saw him and started trying to catch him. He fell to the ground hitting his head , near the entrance of his loft. The land lord came out to see what was causing the chaos in the streets below . The land lord picked Sabin up and dragged him through the entrance of the building . Sabin then grabbed the railing that led to his loft , which was right inside the entrance of the building, and thanked the land lord for helping him and he began to struggle up to the entrance of his loft. He crashed through the door and sat down for a rest. After a few moments he picked himself up , lit a candle , grabbed a bottle of scotch from the cabinet, and went to sit down in an old chair. He oped the bottle and downed the entire thing in a few moments dropping it the floor.
Sabin sat in the old oaken chair rubbing his right hand over an old wool tapestry feeling the corse fibers of the fabric. Desperately trying to hold on to conscious thought he began rubbing his hand harder , faster, harder , and faster over the tapestry. The scream in the back of his mind slowly evolving from a mer whisper to an all out war threatening to consume his entire existence. His mind was slowly losing battle for control as th alcohol flowed through his veins bringing with it greater fatigue with each beat of his heart. His body began to sweet profusely as his mules constricted and thrashed in an orgasmic fashion. The odor of salt and brine emanating from his flesh began to gag Sabin. He lurched onto the ground ripping up the wood floors tearing them into kindling. He reached for the chair trying to pull himself up as hi stomach convulsed and ejected blood, alcohol, and the remnants of his meal. Listening to his inner body mass break, he cocked his head and screamed in agony. His veins had begun to expand and stretch. The skin tightened around his bones, making his veins look even bigger than they had grown. His teeth pushed their way out of their crevices, tearing small capillaries forcing his mouth to bleed. He swallowed his own blood, tasting its thick warm texture, as his conscious went into complete aphasia. His veins began to fill with a tar like substance as his turned the color of burnt ash. The hair on his skin disappeared as his nails grew longer and longer merging with his now perfectly black skin to for claws that more closely resembled serrated katana. His, now onyx colored hair began to writhe and congeal like pythons in a mating ritual. His head seemed to come alive as one, men, another, men another pair of eyes burst wide from seemingly new sockets. The irises dilating beyond the point of reason, completely taking over the eye in a red oblivion.
The creature stood hunched over in the corner of the small loft giving off a strong aura mist, like heat from the road on a blistering hot day. It moved from shadow to shadow trying to find a way to escape from the room, feeling its way around the crude stone walls, it came to the window sill. The creature glided out of the window ledge onto the crowded streets below instantly blending into the shadows of the night. Nobody noticed the creature as it moved its way through the crowd like a snake hunting its prey . It crossed the street in shadow the humans oblivious of its existence ,but the animals knew the horses whined and panicked when it passed , as their masters desperately tried to control them with the rains. It reached the bar were Sabin had been with the whore and there she was standing right outside trying to pick up other men but most of the people who walked by just scoffed at her and told her to begone. The Anju luged itself at her becoming fully visible, it in circled her a few times as she screamed in terror, the creature plunged its claws into her abdomen and shoved itself deeper into her chest cavity. The woman's heart collapsed from the weight of the monster inside her , she attempted to scream but all that emerged was blood. A couple of police guards had already surrounded the thing and were preparing to attack one of the men struck the creature with his night stick soon realizing that was not th most intelligent thing to do. The Anju spun around tearing the mans head of ,sending blood everywhere the other man began running into an alley way the monster in toe. The man finally slowed down , exhausted, and began to creep along the wall, he turned and came face to face with the demons of his nightmare, the Anju, teeth baring crimson blood upon pure shadow. The man creamed and the creature killed him , quickly dispersing into the shadows of night. A nearby witness to the events of that night said that , " It was as if their own shadows came to life and attacked them."
Sabin awoke ,in a blood soaked bed with a splitting migraine and incrusted with blood, to the sound of the window sill opening and closing from the soft breeze outside. He quickly jerked himself up , in a panic, and stumbled across the room, mind racing. He had to escape he could not be seen like this, he could not be caught for something this creature had done. He had to find Samantha she would help him she would always help him , no he could not do that he would not put her at risk, but he had to get away from here right now before someone noticed something.
He ran to the door of his loft and swung it open and there she was an angel , his angel , Samantha her deep brown hair reflecting bits of red in the light of the morning and she looked up at him with her beautiful emerald eyes with compassion and love. He stammered back for a moment in stunned aw and sputtered, " But ... how did you...". She put her finger over his lips ushering him to be silent and spoke in a voice that warmed your soul," I fallowed the bodies , my love.". He collapsed into her bawling tears running down her gown and cried out to her, " I'm sorry , so very sorry.", tears still pouring out and she embraced him with all her heart , cradling his head like a mother would a distraught child, blood coming off upon her dress. She looked upon the blood soaked bed bathed in the light from the window sill, where a small crimson butterfly had land, the room filling with the smell of honey dew, she smiled and whispered into his ear, "I know."
