Entry: Midnight Ballroom Dance
As Sabin Duvert enters the room he hears sickly music pouring out of the corners and yet no one is to be seen. As the music changes ghost appear and dance to the music. Dazed and confused Sabin finds his spirit floating out of him to join the dance. His mind and body separate as a warm feeling fills his bones. Sabin start dancing to the rhythm letting it coarse through his veins, even though he has no partner Sabin dances.

As Sabin dances, the warmth continues to fill him as his mind forgets the body. It drifts away into oblivion, and then fades from existence. Sabin find himself dancing with a mistress wearing a mask obscuring her face. Yet as he questions who she is there is no response. As they dance we change our movements and Sabin finds himself dancing with someone new. They dance to the music letting it control our every movement. They danced long and hard for this is not the first time he have danced with her.

This women Sabin holds and caress before had been a wife for many years past. Now they dance locked with in our minds to the songs of old. As he gazes into her eyes He realize this, she is no longer the woman he used to love, for years of corruption have ruined her spirit to what now floats before me.

As Sabin gaze through her he notices a new person in the room and they seem all alone. He has a body and Sabin remembers he has his own. As if from nothing in a flicker of an instance it reappears as he floats to where it lies.

As his body and mind are rein twined, the chill of the ghastly room sweeps over him. Yet Sabin still find it impossible to stop dancing as if the memory of it had been bonded to my soul.
Gaia Name: Frogboy