Entry: Writing Angie's Day
Gaia Name: Hawt Pynk
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Angie’s Day
By: Jackie (Hawt Pynk)

I was just waking up. Mom came in my room, slapped my bed while I was under the sheets just sleeping peacefully. I woke up stretched out and I looked at my self in the mirror and thought to my self “Why, why?â€
 I went into my closet and I looked for something to wear. I found a cute little shirt that shows my belly. I tried it on, and it looks perfect. Then I looked for a mini skirt the only one I found was the one from Hot Topic.
I put it on, and it looks like it is going to ride up, I take it off and I put on jeans with pink zippers a straps and some chains and I push them down to my waist like I like it. I look into the mirror and put in my zipper earrings. Then I put on my converse, and put on my bracelets, chocker, and I grab my messenger bag and head down the stairs for breakfast. “Good morning sweetie!â€
 My mom says, I say “Yeah, good morning.” I ate my breakfast and I run to my bus stop, “Shit, the bus is late.” I said to my self. Finally the bus comes and I get on it. Everyone is looking at me like I am the slut. I walk all the way to the back of the bus. All those people looking at me, I try to hide my face with my books. I finally found a seat. I sit down and I pull my sketch book out of my bag, and I start to draw. We pull up to school and I get off the bus. I look up at the name of our school. In big blue letters it says “Bak High School of the Arts.” I go to this school for visual (drawing, art).
I go to my locker and I pull out my books. I say to my self “Here goes another boring, ordinary day.” The first bell rang; I go into my Cultural History class. I sit down and lay my head on that cold hard rough desk and I wait for the announcements to come on.
Finally, they came on. “Today’s lunch, Salisbury steak and mash potatoes,” Mr. Harder said. I took all the notes and everything. Then the bell rang. I rushed out of that class because my favorite class is up next, photography. I love photography. I ran into the room and pulled out my digital camera and I sat straight up and I was ready for today’s lesson. Mr. Wiseman came out and said “Good morning students!” I said “Good morning!” We went outside and took pictures and everything, and then we went into the black room and developed them. The bell rang. “FUCK!!!!! PE” I said. I hate PE all those preppy bitches and cheerleaders are there. Well I got through with PE and I lived, Once again. And the last class of the day. Ms. Zambian’s Trigonometry Class, I hate that class, I am failing major. I walked slowly through the school to get to her class. I got there and I sat down and slept the whole period. It was dismissal time and I went out to the bus loop and got on the bus and went home. When I got home my mom said “How was your day honey?” I said “Fucked up, as usual!” Then I rushed up stairs. I pulled out my laptop and went online, some of my friends were online and I chatted with them. Then I pulled out my sketch book and started to draw me and me lover making out on the beach. By the time I was done it was 10:00 I scanned it on the comp and colored it. Then I went to bed. What a wonderful day.

The End