‘The suspect came out of the woods and walked down the road leaving a trail of bloody footprints. He walked for a long time, occasionally stopping taking off his glove and then lick his hand. Yet he is always facing away from our look outs, as if he knows we are there.â€
 A man said standing at the front of the room pointing to a map. “He has been seen around these areas, which also happen to be the areas where the past few murders have happened.” The man then took his seat, to let someone else talk.
“Thank-you commander.â€
 A black haired man said stepping into the light at the front of the room. “We believe that this man is the one committing all of these horrible acts. He is the only one that has been at all of the crime scenes.” He paused to pull out a sketch of a woman. “This was the first person murdered in this chain of events. It is also the only one that he was not seen at. Any questions?” He asked scanning the audience for hands going up. On his second time around he saw one. “Yes?” he said pointing to the man who had just put up his hand.
“Yes well, what was that woman’s name?â€
 he asked pointing at the sketch. “Maybe she is linked to him.”
“Her name was Samantha Blaire.â€
 He said putting down the sketch, “And we checked into her. She was this mans wife.”
“But how do we know that it is the same one?â€
 The same man who asked the first question interrupted.
“We asked local villagers if they knew who she was. And we also asked if they knew who this white haired man was. And they all said that they were happily married and that her name was Samantha Blaire and that he was Sabin Duvert. Some of the villagers also said that they lived in the castle just outside the village.â€
“So that is our next place to look.â€
 The commander interrupted. He stood up and pointed to the map again. “This is where the castle is. And to night is when we attack.”
That night the commander and his troops were positioned outside the castle. “Lets move in,â€
 he said already on his way up to the door. His troops followed.
Once in the house the white haired man appeared. “Are you Sabin?â€
 the commander asked.
“Yes I am Sabin.â€
 He said bowing slightly while removing his top hat. “Sabin Dubert, at your service. How may I help you?” he asked smiling and showing fangs.
The troops backed away in slight fear, when one of them ran out screaming, “He killed them! He killed them all!!â€
“Why yes, yes I did,â€
 Sabin said sitting down in a chair.
“Well then. Why?â€
 the commander asked calmly.
“Why what?â€
 Sabin asked looking at the commander funny.
“Why did you kill them all? And why did you kill your own wife?â€
“Kill my own wife?!â€
 Sabin screamed, “I did not do any such thing!”
“But you killed all the others?â€
“yes, but that is only because they were the ones who killed my wife, my beloved Samantha. I have gotten my revenge but that will still not bring her back.!â€
 He said as a black mist came up from the floor and surrounded him. “You want to see how I killed them?” he said as his eyes went red and two extra pairs of eyes, one above the originals and one below, opened to reveal red eyes as well. His skin got darker and darker until it looked like there was no return. The mist settled at his feet to reveal his Anju form. “Now you can die!” he yelled at he attacked and killed every last one of the troop members. He then turned to the commander. “Now you can feel my eternal pain.” He said as he killed the commander.

-K a t h r y n

Gaia Name: K a t h r y n
Medium: word
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