Gaian name: Moira Marigold
Media used: My fingers, Microsoft Word, a thesaurus, and
Is this your first entry?: Yepper
Referred by: a link in Dem's signature
Sabin and Kamiki
The start
Sabin sat cross-legged on his floor, a young man barely
18. His gangly legs awkwardly fit together as he concentrated on the book in
his lap. Its cover and pages were so worn, that the title was barely legible,
but if one looked closely enough, they’d notice the word "Magick". He
bit his lip and stared intensely forward, unblinkingly looking into a void. A
thin black hand emerged. It was dense. He stood immediately and strode forward,
edging toward the tiny mound. He bent to touch it and smiled.
"Plein," [solid] he whispered thoughtfully.
"Ainsi, Je suis heureux réussir ensuite trois heures," [well, I am
happy to succeed after three hours] he mocked himself slightly. It had been a
long night. Only hours before he had learned something about himself. For years
he had been completely obsessed with the dark… with shadows, secrets, magic.
All of these things implied "The Unknown" to him; the vast,
bottomless chasm in existence that had always enticed him. Tonight, he took his
first step into the shadow and learned that it could be controlled. In a world
that he despised, a place of society, class distinction, and proper etiquette,
he found something of his own. The black hand slowly pulled itself back into
the shadow as he grinned, tossing his brown hair out of his eyes.
Happy with his success, Sabin moved toward his bed. He
had a brunch appointment with a professor, and although he could survive
surprisingly well on only a few hours of sleep, he thought he might attempt to
be congenial. As he turned, he thought he saw something move in the shadow. He
stood and stared into it once again, convinced something might be staring back,
but he saw nothing.
Some time later…
Sabin walked into the small bar in Gambino, probably the
place that he felt most at home in Gaia. Well, as close to home as he had felt
in a long time. Even though he loved living in the small French mountain
village of St. Laurent du Pont, it never felt like home either. He always felt
as though he had to conceal himself, to hide at least some minute part of him.
Now, hiding was more important than ever, and he wondered if he could ever feel
that sense of belonging anywhere.
He was not the same man. His straight white hair,
although pulled back, seemed to sneak its way back into his face, obstructing
his vision. His thin frame had filled out, and he seemed to walk with an
intense confidence and stillness. He sat and ordered "the strongest you
have". After the Anju, he had to grasp onto specific points of his
personality. He felt as though the tiny facets were fading into his combined
center. The only way he could still feel like Sabin was to exploit his
extremes. Drinking was one of those things. He looked around the bar quietly;
his pointed ears and nails would be easy to hide in a place like this where no
one could distinguish any type of feature at the end of the night. He took a
quick swig and stopped mid gulp as his eyes fell on her.
A young woman sat on the opposite side of the room, and
Sabin couldn’t help but stare at the small object on her forehead. She would
turn to laugh, and it would catch the light, making it appear as though she
literally emitted pure energy. She wore revealing clothing, something that a
girl from his town would be practically stoned for; and he loved it. She wore a
deep purple shirt with a plunging neckline, further accentuating her voluptuous
curves. Sabin followed the makeshift arrow formed by the V-neck. He devoured
every inch of her body that he could. Her unusually dainty shoulder steaming in
mocha skin down to her tightly packed abs that she gladly presented for the
world to see; past the thick purple sash acting as a belt for her white
miniskirt to her impossibly long legs. She seemed to defy science. She seemed
to be average height, but both her abdomen and legs stretched toward infinity.
He looked back toward her face, noticing the soft curve of her lips and the
light glow of her violet eyes. Her hair seemed to move perpetually. Even if she
were to sit still, it seemed to flow. It was as if nature followed her. The
wind played with her hair forever, just wanting to spend time with her; to bask
in her energy. She laughed suddenly, throwing her head back and encouraging the
wind. It seemed to glisten in the light, appearing both white and purple at once.
He knew she was there with someone else, but he couldn’t bear to take his eyes
off of her to even check if he knew them. He simply stared, examining as much
as he could. It was as if he feared he would never see anything that beautiful
again. He had to see every part of her, to re-imagine her in her entirety. He
noticed her soft pointed ears and the silver hoops adorning them. He looked
down at her chest, noticing a silver chain with a small, heart shaped locket.
She dripped with silver and purple, and he never realized how beautiful those
colors could truly be.
He turned to put down his drink, averting his eyes for
only a second. When he turned back, she seemed to have gone. Only with her
absence did he finally look at the other inhabitant of the booth. When he
turned to look at the young man sitting there, he realized that a pair of ice
blue eyes were staring right back. If Sabin weren’t so versed in controlling
himself and his emotions, he might’ve jumped three feet straight in the air.
Instead, he continued to look around, acting as though their eye meeting was a
complete mistake.
"Naturellement", [naturally] he thought.
"J'ai pensé qu'elle était seule?" [I thought she was alone?]. Then,
he felt a slight tap on the shoulder.
"Zut," [damn] he thought to himself.
"Did you like what you saw?" he heard a voice
so beautiful that he barely understood the words, hearing the sentence as pure
sound with little comprehension. It was her. He turned to look at her; he could
sense the energy flowing around her and lost himself for just a moment, letting
his control waver. He noticed that she had a slightly pained expression for a
"Je le lui ai montré," [I showed it to her] he
realized. The fear that he drew from her did nothing to sooth his troubled
mind. Instead he stared blankly at her, trying to formulate a response.
"Yes. I did not mean to stare," he spoke with a
slight French accent. The girl regained her composure and smiled seductively.
"It's ok. You know, I don’t wear this for
myself," she said, biting her lip for just a second; enough for him to see
it as an invitation but just little enough for him to wonder if he imagined it.
"I'm Kamiki," she said thoughtfully.
"Kamiki is a very beautiful name," he said with
much greater force than his previous comment, realizing that maybe this meant
"Yeah… gonna tell me yours?" she asked
"Oh, yes… I am Sabin."
"Sabin, huh? Well, that explains the accent
"Accent?" he piqued, her radiance making him
forget for a second that he was French.
"Oh, yes. Sorry. I am French," he rebutted
"I know," she continued, "Well, Sabin.
Maybe I’ll see you around again."
"Peut-être," he whispered to her with a tiny
smirk on his face. She turned to leave, the young man sitting in the booth
trailed behind her, giving Sabin one last, angry glare. Sabin waved to him,
making sure his patronization was clear. He stood immediately as they left in
order to follow them.
The Discovery
Sabin closed the door to the bar behind him and looked
down the cobblestone road. He could still see her with the man, walking about
30 yards away. He walked briskly to catch up to the long shadow that she cast
upon the ground. He used his ability, Shadowform, to follow her by literally
becoming part of her shadow. He didn’t even know what he planned to do when she
reached her final destination, but he knew he couldn't just let her go. There
was something about her; some sort of comprehension. She saw part of his true
form in the bar, and her fear lasted for merely a second. He just felt that she
was a person who would greatly impact the rest of his life.
Then he felt it: the Anju. He knew what he risked by
using one of his shadow abilities, but he knew it was worth it. Pain seared
through his chest, as he felt his body tear. He felt as though the Anju were
escaping toward the surface by clawing through his organs. He heard the deep,
raspy whisper erupt in the back of his mind as he fought to maintain control,
but this time was different. Somehow, the Anju was stronger. Perhaps it fed off
Sabins fear of being alone; something that had haunted Sabin more severely
since Samantha’s death. Maybe it finally had gained the upper hand. The only
way that Sabin could escape from possibly being controlled by it was to break out
of Kamiki’s shadow. Unfortunately, he knew that his concentration was
scattered. He tried to maintain Shadowform, think about Samantha, think about
Kamiki, and fend off the Anju. When he broke free, he would appear in his true
form. But it was a risk he would have to take.
Le Berceau
The entire walk home Kamiki's thoughts wandered onto his
"He is so profoundly beautiful," she thought.
She must’ve seemed eerily quiet to Simon, but he didn’t press the matter; this
of course only aided her in thinking about Sabin.
"His eyes did flash red," she thought as she
pondered what exactly he might be. She knew was no human, the hands, ears, and
teeth betrayed that fact, but he felt so different from any of the creatures
she had known. Of course, she wasn’t exactly normal herself being a Kitsune
Elder Spirit Hybrid, but that didn’t seem to matter. She knew that it didn’t
affect him; it was something that made her feel very comfortable in the midst
of a city crawling with humans.
She was still thinking of him when she heard a sharp
scream of pain erupt from behind her. She spun quickly, almost knocking herself
off of her own feet in the process. She saw some sort of creature standing
before her with six glowing red eyes and black mist oozing from its surprisingly
small body. Her initial reaction was defense. Purple tipped wings sprouted from
her back as she floated into the air, staring down at it. It seemed to be
struggling against some unseen force. She noticed Simon staring at her, his
unblinking eyes silently asking her what to do. She turned back and finally
noticed the shock white hair that tumbled down its shoulders.
"Sabin?" she asked protectively.
Le Berceau
Sabin turned up and saw an angel.
"Je suis mort?" [I am dead?] he thought to
himself as he stared into the face of heaven. Then he heard a voice calling
from a distance:
"Sabin?" it pleaded. He realized the angel was
speaking, but he recognized the voice. He would recognize that voice anywhere
even though he had only heard for a few brief moments.
"Kamiki…" his voice trailed off in weakness. He
could no longer divert his energy toward looking human; he had to focus
everything on controlling the Anju.
Then he felt it. A small hand brushed his back; his true
back. He turned to look into her face, the light still glistening on her
forehead. It seemed more ethereal now with wings rising above her back creating
a sort of feathered halo above her head, and he smiled:
"My angel."
Kamiki looked at the glowing red eyes emitting from the
man she now realized was Sabin. She cradled him protectively in her arms
forming a sort of yin-yang.
Sabin closed his eyes and simply felt the moment. He
finally felt a part of him that he could never pin down in his youth; not in
the mountains of France, not nestled in his mother’s arms, not in his
adventurous dreams, and not even with Samantha, but he knew what he felt now.
He whispered it aloud: