“Vasile! Vasile! Please come to me! I need you to stay with me!,” Vastella screamed in her sleep as she tossed and turned hanging onto the burning memories of her fiancee, Vasile. She awoke in sudden shock and sat straight up in bed looking around the room and gasping for air. She didn’t want to do this anymore. Waking up from nightmares of her dead lover was just too painful. It wasn’t fair. And to top things off, she was also alone. All Alone. No family. No friends. Nobody. Vastella climbed off of her bed and put on her flowing skirt and peasant top. As she reached for her headband, her hand brushed her Taroka deck. She pulled her hand away as she felt the burning of the cards. They were trying to tell her something. Anytime the cards wanted to show her something they grew hot to the touch. Vastella ignored the beckoning heat of the deck and put on her headband. She decided to take a walk and clear her thoughts before something else went wrong. Could her life really be this awful when just a short time ago it was near perfect? Yes, of course it could be that bad. After Vasile left, things just weren’t the same anymore. She lived in constant fear that she would die alone and nobody would ever know the truth. The truth about that fateful day. She never meant for Vasile to die. In fact, she tried to protect him.
If only I had just let him go to the city..No that’s not true..The cards never lie..They never lie..He was meant to die. The cards told me. They grew hot. Nothing would have changed that. I just wish I could’ve done more, she thought to herself. It wasn’t fair. My band shouldn’t have deserted me when I needed them most. I know I shouldn’t have drew the Taroka cards for Vasile but he was my lover. I didn’t mean to hurt anyone. Really..especially not Vasile..
But that was the past. She couldn’t live with the Vistani anymore and she just had to accept that. If that was the way it was meant to be, she would follow the rules. She didn’t want to hurt anybody else like she did the first time.
She sat down among a grove of trees and buried her head in her hands. There she sat for hours just sobbing and wishing things had went differently. There was no one she wanted more right now than Vasile. If he was here, he would comfort her when she was sad. He would hold her when she felt unsafe. He would love her just because she meant that much to him. And she would love him for the same reason. Drying her tear stained eyes, she came to the conclusion that life just wasn’t worth living anymore. She ran back to her home and unfolded the cloth that held her Taroka deck. She felt the cards searing her hands but still she held on. She wanted to know what the message was. The new message. Maybe the most important one. The cards had never seared her flesh like that. They usually just burned a little bit. But her hands were numb from the pain of the deck. She closed her eyes and within moments a premonition came to her.
What she saw shocked her:
She saw herself alone in the woods at nighttime. She felt a presence in the woods and turned around only to see a pack of wolves staring menacingly at her. She knew in her heart that this would be the end of it all. Her pain. Her sorrow. Even her life. As she looked over to the left, she saw something. No someone. She turned and was faced with the ghost of Valise. Her lover.

The next instant, the premonition was over and she was walking. She didn’t know how she had ended up outside but she knew where her feet where taking her. To the woods. Where she had met Valise for the first time in their younger years. She felt the presence she had felt from the premonition and knew that he was coming. The wolves didn’t even scare her. Vastella wanted only to see her Vasile. And she did. He came for her and together they floated into the moonlight. Her fiancee. Her savior. He had come for her and now life in the heavens with him would be better than life on earth without him. icon_heart.gificon_sweatdrop.gif