Kamiki awakens early one morning. She awakens alone. Seeing as she has extra time this morning she decides to take things a bit slower than normal. She rubs her head trying to remeber a single facet of her life before the hunt. She struggles to remember the man whome she sees during the hunt. She deducts that the man must have been her husband. She blinks her violet eyes glancing at the silverish kitsune by her feet rubbing up against her. She looks down at the kitsune smiling. She pets the kitsune picking it up and hugging it tightly.

Kamiki rises slowly out of her bed holding the kitsune close its tail wagging against her bare stomach and waist. She gets up walking over to her closet. She opens her closet door looking at her naked form and the small kitsune in the mirror. She places the kitsune back onto the floor.

Simon, the kitsune transforms into its human form standing next to her. He tugs slightly at his collar as it is the only article of clothing he is wearing. He turns to Kamiki and says, "Your looking beautiful as usual."

Kamiki blushes slightly looks at him and shaking her head. She reaches into her closet pulling out a skimpy black bra and some black panties slipping them on. She sighs searching her closet saying to herself, "What to wear, what to wear?"

Simon instictivly answers, "Nothing. Thats what we all look best in."

Kamiki once again shakes her head reaching into the closet and pulling out some really short white shorts. If she were extends her hands downward and rest them on her sides her wrist would be below the trim of the shorts.

Simon looks over her yet again smiling and says, "Close enough."
Kamiki sighs looking at him and shaking his head and says, "Go get dressed we are going out."

Simon shakes his head, "I'm not going anywhere. You know I don't like clothes."

Kamiki shrugs, "I was going to take you with me to meet Gambino but if you'd perfer not to."

She reaches removes the shorts knowing that it wouldn't make a good first impression. She digs through the closet finding a pale purple cross top connected by a thin strip of leather to a matcing skirt that goes to just above her knees. She removes the bra putting on the skirt first and then sliding the top on over her head. She tightens the straps so that they are tight around her upper body.

Simon smiles, "I've heard that Gambino and his son Gino both love kitsune. I bet they'd love to see a silver kitsune. My type are very rare in this area."

Kamiki's tail finally finds its way out of the dress poking out of the small hole cut for it. She heads to the bathroom brushing her hair gently saying to Simon, "Gambino loves kitsune. If I were you I'd be afraid to go near him if your so rare around here. He may try to buy you." She smirks at herself in the mirror, "I don't know. If he offers enough I might just sell you."

Simon looks around, "I think I'm gunna dressed now." Goes to another closet in the room and opens the doors it looking through the clothes.

Kamiki smiles thinking to herself, "Gets him everytime." She finishes up on her hair and begins to brush her tail gently sitting on the counter.

Simon having finally found some 'normal' clothes to wear gets up and walks into the bathroom, "You ready to go yet?"

Kamiki nods and stands hooking a leash onto Simon's collar. She smirks and says, "Now follow me like a good little pet, ok?"

Simon growls under his breath but nods and thinks to himself, "She knows I hate being called a pet."

Kamiki leads the way out of her house on the Isle de Gambino she walks down the street not but a few feet arriving in front of Gambino's mansion. Simon sighs as he follows her obediantly. Kamiki walks up to the extravagent door and rings the extrodanary sounding doorbell.

The door automatically opens itself. She enters the vast doorway finding herself in a very large and extravagantly furnished foyer. She looks around and sees Gambino's son Gino heading towards her. Her tails wag speed quickens as Gino says, "Greetings Miss Kamiki, it is a pleasure to meet you." He bows taking her hand and kissing it gently.

Kamiki smiles widly saying, "The pleasure is all mine." Simon growls behind Kamiki's back at Gino. Kamiki hears this and tugs viscously at his leash. "Don't mind my pet."

Simon growls yet again as she says this. Gino shakes his head at Simon and says, "My father is waiting with the other guest." Gino leads the way to the family room that obviously hadn't been used much.

Kamiki smiles and says, "When can I meet him, tough guy?" She moves closer to Gino putting a hand on his shoulder winking at him.

Gino looks around and smiles, "We can meet him as soon as he is
ready. Until then how bout I show you around the rest of the house? You can leave your pet in hear." Gino smirks and glares at Simon.

Simon growls yet again as Kamiki nods and hooks his chain around a nearby chair leg. She smirks at Simon as Gino offers her his arm and Kamiki nods taking his arm. As Kamiki and Gino leave the room to explore the rest of the house they hear Simon growling even louder.

Gino leads Kamiki back into the foyer and to the staircase heading upstairs. "My room is in the West wing of this floor. My dads is downstairs in the East wing. He wanted me as far away from him as possible."

Kamiki nods and says, "Is he that bad?" She looks around,"It's pretty big anything else up here?"

Gino nods, "There is the game room and the guest rooms up here. Most of the downstairs is dad's personal study and quarters. Not even I am allowed in there."

Kamiki nods looking at him, "Your such a gentlemen. Your dad sounds meaner than what everyone hears about him."

Gino sighs, "He should be done with his other guest, lets head down and get your pet then go see him."

Simon from the other room hears this and growls loudly. Kamiki smiles and says, "Yes, we should go get him. I'm pretty sure that would be for the best."

Gino leads Kamiki down to the living room and unhooks Simon handing Kamiki his leash. "Let us go see dad now. You should bring your pet. I bet he'll like him."

Kamiki smiles tugging slightly on Simon's leash as he starts to growl. "Lets go see him." She turns to Simon and says, "You wouldn't have left the house if it hadn't been to meet Gambino, and your acting like this? I shouldn't let you meet him, however, I'm not that mean."

Simon nods, "Thank you ma'am." He bows slightly following Gino's lead.

Gino reaches a large door, and right as he reaches the door it swings open from the leaving guest.

Gambino's mysterious guest turned out to be Saibin and he glances Kamiki up and down walks out semi-stunned.

Kamiki runs a hand through her hair shooting a glance at him while he is on his way out. Simon out of no where starts growling viciously.

Kamiki glances back at Simon and shakes her head as she yanks on his leash.

Simon immediatly stops what he was growling and follows Gino and Kamiki.

As soon as they reach the door to Gambino's hall he suddenly rushes out and says, "Excuse me, but something has come up and I will be unable to meet with you today. Please feel free to come back at anytime." He rushes out brushing past Gino and quickly heading out the door and towards the pier heading off towards Barton.

Kamiki looks over to Gino saying, "Well, something big must be happening for him to rush out like that. Or does he rush out of here often without explaining where he is going?"

Gino laughs slightly, "Father is a very busy man. He comes and goes at odd times of the day."

Kamiki nods and looks back to the very disappointed Simon and says, "Well looks like we don't get to meet him today."

Simon nods looking to Gino and then back at Kamiki, "Can we go
home then?"

Kamiki nods and bows to Gino, "It was nice to meet you. I will see you again soon."

Gino bows and kisses her hand, "Farewell, fair maiden."

Kamiki smiles and turns away heading towards the door after Simon bows to Gino.

Simon and Kamiki stroll out and head to her home just a few houses down. Kamiki head inside and unhooks Simon as he immediatly heads upstairs and gets undressed and Kamiki shakes her head looking out the window and watching people walk by as she sees Gambino's boat sailing off into the sunset. While she is watching outside the window she sees that mysterious man from Gambino's Mansion and smiles to herself.  

Gaia Name: SageTubbs