Entry: Writing. Down there.
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The Chupacabra

It was early in the morning in the Duvert household. Sabin Duvert had already gotten up and started to read a book about Mythical Creatures. Sabin is six foot tall, about 200lbs. He had pretty grey-blue eyes and has long white hair that was usually kept back in a ponytail. His canines were longer then normal humans, and his ears came to a slight point. He is average built with fair skin.
His wife,Samantha Lillian Duvert Had gotten up just alittle later then Sabin and started to cook breakfast.Samantha was 5'6'' and weighed around 135lbs. She had a very shapely body. Samantha was generally quiet. She has long red hair that comes down to the middle of her back and was curly. Her eyes are green. After breakfast was ready she went to get Sabin.
"Sabin? Honey, breakfast is ready." She said flowingly.
Sabin was in the middle of learning what the chupacabra was when Sam had called him down.
"Damn! I was almost finished with the chapter....Coming...." Sabin said sadly.
Sam had made omeletes with green peppers, tomatos, and bacon in it.When Sabin sat down to eat his meal he smelled vegatables. He grew angry.
"SAMANTHA! You know I HATE vegatables!! Why'd you make me a veggie omelete!?"
" I'm so sorry i must of switched the plates!"Samantha pleaded.
Sabin settled down.Said sorry about raising his voice and exited up to his room. He sat there thinking about what he wanted to do and then remembered the chupacabra. He opened the book back to his page and continued on. Soon after that he heard a crash down stairs. Followed by that Samantha's scream. Sabin rushed down stairs to find Sam lying unconcious with Araina standing over her.
" How dare you Araina!"Sabin yelled.
"I didn't mean it! I was walking and um...Someone threw a ball and um...Hey look a Chupacabra!"Araina said while pointing behind sabin.
"Like i would fall for some cheap ass trick like that! Ha! You make me --- aHHHH!"
*Gets attacked by a chupacabra.*
"Oh no! Its Really here!" Sabin yells.
*Changes to True form.*
Sabin turned dark with little red eyes. He had lost it in his mind.Araina became scared of what Sabin became.
" It's Anju!"
Araina runs away in fear. Anju/Sabin loves her fear and rips the Chupacabra in half and laughs.
Sabin soon gains control of his self again. He sees the bottom half of the chupacabra.
He looks over and sees Sam. He holds her in his arms.
"Sam I love you. Please wake up."
Her eyes begin to open.She hugs Sabin and says.
"I love you too..."

The End.