Entry: Darkness. It crept about him,
sending a shiver up his spine. The obsidian velvet that clung and entwined his
lithe form felt oddly ominous to the young man. His eyes grew wide in fear,
quickening his pace as he nearly prayed that the dawn might embrace him once
again and wash him of this horrid mortal terror that ran in icy streams through
his veins. But he didn't pray for that. No, something kept him from doing so,
something familiar. Perhaps it was the curiosity that the damned Pandora set
upon all of our frail human forms, or maybe it was the silent intrigue of
seeing those which claimed themselves in him mind as real. He didn't know which
to be truthful, maybe it was both.
He could always envision the monsters in glee, from the
time he was a little child. Always grin he did at their twisted, writhing
forms. At their razor-sharp teeth and venomous crimson eyes, a crimson that
looked as though it had witnessed the massacre of thousands, the macabre rivers
of the same blood that stained it's mind...
It was this intrigue that made a hint of curious dread
show upon his youthful features.
Then suddenly it came to him. The voice. That strangely
alluring, sensuous whisper of a voice that drew him in and yet made him want to
puke in disgust.
It always told him of spells, bribing him and filling him
with it's cold embrace.
"I see you shiver. I see you quake. Fear drowns you
in misery... I shall tell you of spell to drown it."
"You.. shall?"
"Yes," it hissed, it's breath like daggers upon
his spine, "With it, you will see.. what you have always wanted to see.
The justification to all of your wonderings, to all of your ridicule. Utter
this spell, and you shall see before you a monster of myth. Just as in the
pages of your books..."
Oh, his heart wrenched at the mere thought! To be able to
touch it's roughened skin, to gaze into it's cold eyes. It filled him with that
firey passion, his fists clenching to keep himself from shouting in joyous
"What is this spell you speak of?" he murmured,
quivering in excitement.
"You know of it.. it is the same one that you murmur
under your breath at church, the same one I whisper to you every night. You
know of it. Go to the alley. Say it, and you shall see a monster in all of it's
glorious brilliance...."
Excitement writhed through him, eyes alight with the
promise of new knowledge, not thinking thoughts of trickery. Being young also
came with many things, including naivety...
He rushed along the dark alleyways, dim lights from
windows and passion only being the luminescence that lit his path. For what
might have been minutes or hours or maybe days in that void of darkness, he
searched, following and trusting nothing but that essence, that voice that
drove him onward into the wee hours of the morn, where the lapis peeked through
dim grey skies and the sun dared to melt the shadows, when he then found a
large enough crevice.
"Stop and breathe, then recite.", it told him.
â"But how will I know--?"
"You already know it... it has been imbedded into
your blood, your skin. Yes.. I can even see its graceful words in your
eyes." He complimented, making the master's face glow with anticipation.
Before he could even give an orderly word of thanks, when
he opened his mouth, something odd came out. Words flowed, ongoing and never
stopping as he felt nausea and numbness rise through his limbs, then followed
by hellfire. Oh, how that fire licked dangerously against his pale skin, making
him want to shriek in upstart.
Then... then came the true shadows. The true velvety
During those last few moments, he could still swear to
this day, he almost felt the comforting embrace of death.
Oh, how he only wished it was so. He wished it with all
his lonesome heart...
Gaia Name: YoRei