5 minutes of hell

minute one
It begins without warning though I feel the urge to wander.
Eyebrows grow and thicken, teeth and nails grow longer

Minute two
Then the hair starts to grow on my ears hands and face
I burn and I freeze while my heart starts to race

Minute three
I'm dizzy and panting unsure where to turn
Filled with power and energy to burn
Each ear twitch brings sharper sounds each breathe stronger smells
My body grows harder with changes I can't quell
An animals pelt emerges and my body longs to fight
As my eye shift to those of a beast of the night

Minute four
Then there is pain of which I cannot tell
So much as to say I feel like I'm in hell
Inside my body, bones and muscle are rearranged
Spine starts to lengthen and a furless tail I can claim
My hands now have pads my jaw has grown long
My feet form into paws and the change move along

Minute five
My tail becomes furred , my bones lock in place
Their shifting has left me with an obvious canine face
My last coat of fur a coarse greyish white covers my skin
Completing the change masking the man within.