Title: Akui

Entry: The night air was filled with silence, as every creature indulged in their slumber. Luminous stars were scattered about the black sky, leading on hardly visible rays of light. The moon governed the abyss, creating a blanket of dim light along the canopy of forest trees.

Thoughts rushed through his mind, filling him with what seemed like countless emotions. Echoing and hollering their hurtful words and memories, he fled into the night, dreading a simple glance to his past. His pelt of black fur bristled as the night air ran through it, staining him with a cold breeze. His tassel was wavering behind him, being tossed about as he fled through the foliage. The light of the moon caught his navy markings which dwelled on his face, tail, paws and ears. Mitts pounded against the ground in a rhythmic pattern, breaking the simple silence of the night. Talons escaped in fear of looking back, and they dug into the untouched terrain.

He wanted to cease visibility. More than that, he wanted to escape death. How had the tables turned so quickly? It was as if the gods cursed a wrong doing. In turn he cursed the gods in his head, muttering under his breath. As he did so, the cool air mixed with his breath created a small cloud of what seemed smoke. Yellow orbs darted through the foliage constantly, just waiting for death to jump out and engulf him.

“My gods, have I not been loyal to you from birth? Have I not carried out your wishes?â€Â
 He said this aloud, his voice shaky with tears. Under his breath he swore and cursed. Pillars slowened, and he stopped, breathing heavily. He threw his muzzle into the air and screamed at an invisible being, “Damn you! I could have been Alpha! Damn you!” His words were interrupted by a thunderous bellow from the skies, and rain poured angrily down to his level. The ground softened beneath him, turning to mud.

His maw then dropped, and his teeth clenched tight. His thoughts collided in a mass of confusion and he screamed out in agony. The thunder emerged from the clouds once more, and then the dark sky was filled with a burst of light. Lightening crashed out across the sky, luminating haunting shadows among the trees, “Mark my word. You’ve not see the last of me,â€Â
 came his quiet voice, “Bloody hell, you have not seen the last of me. “

Anger, frustration, betrayal, confusion. Emotions flew through his mind, yet now his destiny was clearly mapped out; even if the soft dance of the rain was his only company now.

Gaia Name: obstenant