And in the stars, moons, suns and shadows shall we finally find it…



The sun let go of a few last scatterings of light.

Felnera walked faster down the street.

Gotta get home.

As she neared her neighborhood, she breathed a sigh of relief. Seeing her house up ahead, she began to do a little jog when she felt something brush by.

Stopping, she spun around to look and saw no one there. Feeling her heart begin to beat faster, she started for her house again when the three closest streetlights went out.

"W-who's there?"

Hearing no response, she stifled a scream and walked cautiously towards the safety of her home.

She only managed to get a few steps when she felt a hot breath on her neck. Shaking, she turned to find herself face to face with a creature of black shadows and three sets of red glowing eyes.

Taking a deep breath, she opened her mouth to scream.

Reacting quickly, the creature grabbed her neck and crushed it. Then, with a quick jab to her stomach, began to suck the energy from her. Absorbing her completely.


On a nearby rooftop, Poison, sometimes known as The Poison Arrow, looked down upon the scene before him.

You’re good, beast. But not as good as me.

Sighting along his crossbow, he aimed for a spot between the top set of eyes and pulled the trigger.

The arrow flew true to its mark, but was stopped by the creature beginning to throw the now dead corpse away. As the arrow bit deep into the back of the dead girl, Poison cursed his bad luck.

The creature lowered the body and looked up at Poison.



Sabin fought against the Anju.

No! No more killing! I’ve had enough for tonight!

Silence human. There is one more to kill.

The Anju raised its arm to the man on the rooftop.


Sabin thought of his beloved Samantha and wished she were here now to help calm the beast he was becoming this night. But, in another part of his mind, he was glad she was so far away at this point.

She will not stop me this night, Sabin Duvert. I have the control, and you are my puppet.

I will destroy you some day…

That night, shall be far in coming. SILENCE!

The Anju watched as the man began to pull another arrow and load it into his crossbow. Growling, he leapt onto the nearest streetlight and jumped towards the man in an attempt to stop him.



Poison dropped his crossbow, still half loaded and scrambled backwards as the creature landed before him. Pulling out one of his knives, he studied the creature as it studied him in return.

I would be tempted to call it intelligent; if it were not for the mad killing I just saw it do.

Poison began to hear a voice he had hoped not to hear in a long time.

Let me free…

Ignoring the voice within his mind, he focused solely on the creature before him.

“Tonight, shall be the last night you will live, beast.”

The creature began laughing, showing a mouth full of long fangs.

“You. You think you shall win against me? Pathetic human, you are no match for an Anju.”

A shadow creature?

Poison kept his face calm as his mind raced in shock.

No. It cannot be. It’s impossible!

Am I impossible...?

Poison once again ignored the voice within.

I must remain in control.


Anju stopped and looked at the man before him.

T’is odd… Sabin, tell me, does something about him seem normal to you?

No. He seems like me. Torn between the truth and a nitemare.

Be careful what you say about me. I can end your life here and now.

“Hey, ugly!”

Anju turned his attention back to the man as he slammed his fist into Anju’s face, then pulled back.

Reforming the face, the Anju shook his head.

“Pathetic. THIS is how you hit someone.”

As he emphasized the word, he struck out with a backhanded blow, tossing the man to the cobblestones below.


I told you to be silent…

Leaping to the ground after him, the Anju stopped and looked around.


Just then, something flew into his back and pushed his to the ground.


Poison held the creature below him, his hands were completely black and his arms were following. He could feel the huge wings sprouting from his back and bit his lip to keep from crying out.

During a lull in the transformation, he spoke to the creature.

“What is your name?”

Laughing, the creature turned its head to look up at him.

“You ask my name? I have none. I am the Anju. And you are more than you seem.”

“I meant the name of your host. You seemed very occupied on that rooftop. I’m guessing you were talking to the one within.”

“Ah… Sabin. Yes. He’s a bothersome one.”

“Must not be bothersome enough if you’re still in control.”

The Anju turned it’s head back to the ground and began chuckling.

“What are you- How!”

Poison saw his hands were on the ground and frantically looked around before something slammed into him from behind.


“Sleep well, Man behind the mask.”

Poison tried to look up at the Anju as everything went black. But, he could swear he had seen an image of long white hair.


“Sabin! Where were you last night?”

“I… I don’t know, my love.”

Sabin sat upon the bed, looking down at his torn clothes and sighed. He remembered the events of the night, but did not wish to frighten Samantha with what he knew would be yet another nightmare in his mind.

Feeling soft arms encircle him, he fell back into their embrace and held back the tears that threatened to fall from his eyes.

“My love, my Sabin. I know of what you are, and I ask you to share with me that which plagues you. How am I to be your support if you give me no ground to sit upon?”

“I cannot tell you, Sam. To do so…”

He sighed and tried to sit up, only to be held down by her tightening grip.

“If you will not tell me, then at least let me give what comfort I may.”

She placed her head against his and merely stayed that way.

Sabin felt like thanking whatever gods or goddess’ allowed the Anju within to be silent, but in the same breath, felt like damning them for giving him this in the first place.


Poison awoke to the smell of beef stew upon the air. Sitting up quickly, he grabbed his head and fell back.

“Ugh. Never have I felt so bad. Never.”

“You’ll be feeling worse, sonny, if you try that again. You took a pretty hit to that noggin of yours, and no short amount of time will help that pain go away.”

Looking to where the voice came from, he was shocked to see an old woman there. Sighing, he moved his hand down to scratch an itch on his nose and found his mask was missing.

“What have you done to me, old woman!”

“Helped ya, sonny. Lying in the middle of the street… You’d have caught a cold or worse, been tramped by the morn’ traffic.”

Poison bit back the comment he was going to give her and merely rolled his head the other way.

“Now, now, sonny. Don’t be that way. Supper will be –“

“My name is not ‘sonny’. You may call me Arrow.”

“Very well. Arrow. But supper is about ready.”

“Supper? How long have I been out?”

“Nearly the day, son- Arrow.”

Throwing an arm over his eyes, Poison cursed under his breath.

I lost him.


Sabin looked in the mirror and smiled. It had been two days since the attack, and he had managed to keep the Anju under full control.

Looking to the bedroom, where he knew Samantha was getting ready for their night out, he gave a sigh of content.

This is how it ought to be more often.

Hold your tongue, Sabin. I am merely full.

You’re merely weak. Don’t lie to me.

I can still overtake you… Don’t tempt me.

Seeing the door open to the room, he ignored any further comments from the Anju and offered his arm to her.

“I have never been to a fair, milord. What can I expect?”

“Many things, dearest Sam. There are rides, stalls selling candies, and games with which to win many things. I will win you something.”

“Oh, Sabin. You need not do that!”

“I wish to. Will you deny me the right to make you happy?”


“Then, it’s settled. Let us be off, milady.”

He opened the door and they stepped outside. Waiting at the bottom of the stairs to their humble home was a carriage with two horses pulling it. Helping her up the stairs to the carriage, Sabin waited for her to get settled before climbing up and in himself.

“To the fair, my good man.”

The reins master nodded and shook the reins, snapping them and urging the horses to move forward.


“Hilda. I must be off tonight. I thank you for your hospitality these last few days, but, I do have a job to do.”

Poison threw on his cloak, tied on his mask and then put his hat on as he started for the door.

“Will you ever return, Arrow?”

He looked back at the old woman, whom despite his best efforts, he could not find the heart to hate and shook his head.

“I cannot answer that, for I do not know.”

“Then, I say you will. If anything, it gives an old woman some comfort to know someone may be coming back.”

Thinking upon this, he nodded.

“That is true. Take care of yourself, Hilda.”

“And you… Poison Arrow.”

Poison stepped out into the night’s chill before her words sunk in. Turning back to the cabin, he found only the run down ruins of what once may have been a cabin and scowled.

Spinning around, he took off down the path. He could only think of one place the Anju may strike this night, and was determined to make it there.

One of us shall not survive tonight’s meeting. That one shall be you… Anju.


“Oh Sabin! Look at that!”

Sabin chuckled under his breath as Samantha stared in awe at the huge Ferris Wheel.

“And what’s that?”

He felt himself pulled to the side and grabbed his hat quickly to keep it on. Taking Samantha’s shoulders, he gently turned her to him.

“My dear, if you keep this up, I’m afraid I may end up pulled behind you instead of walking at your side.”

Blushing, Samantha glanced downward towards the ground.

“I’m sorry, Sabin. There’s just so much here to see and I have never been to a –“

“Shhh… You shall see it all. What do you wish to – “

Sabin felt a chill run up his back and glanced around.

“Love? What do I wish to what?”

Seeing nothing, he turned back to her.

“Pardon? Oh! What would you like to do first?”

“Sabin… Are you sure you’re alright? We can head home if you’d like.”

“No! No. I shall be fine, Sam. This night is for you. I’ll not take that from you.”

Samantha looked at him with her head tilted slightly.

“As long as you’re sure. We can come again tomorrow.”

Sabin shook his head and kissed her gently. Feeling her begin to relax, he allowed his mind to think about why he’d felt so cold a moment ago.

It was almost like… Nah. Couldn’t be. He wouldn’t know I’m here.

“Oh! Let’s go on the Ferris Wheel, Sabin!”

Grabbing his arm, Samantha began pulling him off again.

Laughing, he allowed his beautiful lady to carry him away. As he bumped into someone with a black hat and cloak, he muttered a slight apology before he was dragged off.

Odd… That man looked familiar.


Poison moved his hat back slightly to get a better look at the couple.

Heh… So young and carefree. I remember a time like that. But that is all it is. A memory. Now, if I were a Shadow Creature, where would I hide?

You ARE one…

No. You are, I am not. Do not taint me with that lie.

Why, are you afraid because you know I speak the truth?

Tuning him out further, Poison continued to search the area. Finally, his eyes fell back on the couple as they prepared to get on the wheel. He saw the man lift his hair and tie it back before getting on and a thought struck him.

White hair… Is it him? But… He seems so different from that monster!

What of yourself? You act nice, yet you are a blood-driven –

Shush! Let me think. The woman is obviously innocent. I would not harm her.

Soft – tttt…

Scowling, Poison walked over to near one of the various games.

“Ah, sirrah, would you care to take a try?”

“No, I have no need for – “

Poison looked back and saw the various animals and such on display for the win and a thought came to him.

Maybe I do not need to harm the woman. But merely try to use her to get to him. Then, I could get him away so I may finish my job.

He looked to the man who’d begun speaking to him and nodded.

“Sure. I’ll try the game.”

“Ah! Good, good, sir. Merely hit the target with the gun.”

Poison picked up the gun and aimed at the target. Squeezing on the trigger, he grinned to himself.


“Eek! It’s so high!”

Samantha wrapped her arms around Sabin, whom gave a small smile of delight.

“Oh… you may be loving this mister, but it’s frightening!”

“You chose to come on this, my dear. Didn’t you see the height from the ground?”

“Well… it looked smaller there.”

She pouted cutely and turned to kiss him when the ride stopped.


“Samantha, calm down. He’s just letting people on at the bottom, we’re fine.”

She shivered all over and grasped his shirt, snuggling close to him as possible.

Sighing and shaking his head in amusement, he gently placed an arm around her to comfort her. As the ride began again, his thoughts went back to the man they’d bumped into.

Why can’t I think of where I have seen him before?

Maybe the white in your hair is actually a sign of old age…

Wishing he could glare at the Anju within him, Sabin stifled a deep sigh.


What? No fight about how wrong I am?

No… This night is Samantha’s, I’m not going to ruin it by getting upset with you and taking it out on her.

Heh, humans and their emotions. So pathetic.

Tuning him out, Sabin looked down and saw the man standing at the bottom of the Ferris Wheel holding what seemed to be a white bear.

Ah. I see the gentleman is waiting for someone of his own. Perhaps I shall get something for Samantha?

“Sabin? Something on your mind?”

He blinked and looked up at her standing before him and realized the ride had stopped. Blushing, he stood and walked down the ramp with Samantha. As they reached the bottom, the man in the hat moved forward and tried to keep from reacting as the memory finally came to him.

The hunter!


Poison watched the two as he walked up to them and nearly smirked in glee as he saw recognition in the mans eyes.

So… I was right.

Getting to one knee before the lady, he offered the bear to her.

“My dear, you are the loveliest woman here. I wish to give this to you as a token of my appreciation for your presense among us.”

He saw her raise a hand to her mouth and she shook her head as she stepped back into Sabin.

“I thank you sir, but I am not that beautiful. Please, keep it so that you may give it to another lady here more fair than I.”

“But there is no other. I have searched the entire grounds. Please. Do take it.”

He glanced at the man and saw a slight tinge of what he believed was jealousy showing through them.

It’s working.

Being a bit bolder than normal, Poison reached out and took the lady’s hand. Putting the bear within it, he then turned and began walking off. Hearing the sound of footsteps behind him, he sped up slightly.

“Sabin! Wait. You don’t have to…”

“I’ll be only a moment, Sam.”

Poison heard the footsteps speed up to follow him and grinned within his mask.

You’re mine monster.


Damn that man. Why did he do that?

Sabin watched as the man walked around the corner of a building and out of sight of the fair. Glancing back towards the fair, he didn’t see anyone that had been following and carefully stepped around the corner.

Only the slight flash of light on metal saved him as a knife slashed out at him from the shadows. Leaping back some, he looked up and saw the strange man standing before him.

“So… Sabin is your name? How quaint.”

“What do you want?”

“Why, Sabin… Or, should I say, Anju? You wound me!”

The man reached up and pulled down his mask to show a bright grin.

“Anju? What’s that?”

Sabin gave a low laugh and hung his head.

“Sir, I’m afraid you’re mistaken…”

Hopefully I can throw him off. I don’t want to keep Samantha waiting. She’ll come looking for me!

“…I know not what or who this Anju is. Now, if you’d be so kind to answer, why would you deny my lady’s wish to keep the bear?”

“Oh? Going to pretend you don’t know me? There is very few humans with ears like yours my friend. Very few.”

Sabin reached for his ears before he thought about what he was doing and felt that his hair had moved when he’d dodged the attack, revealing his slightly pointed tips. His hands then fell as he realized he had given himself away.

The man threw back his head in a sharp laugh.

“Well then, shall we quit with the games?”

Shaking his arms out, the man then charged with a dagger in each hand.


Poison slashed across the area’s of Sabin’s neck and stomach, hoping he’d attempt to dodge one or the other and was surprised to see him leap backwards onto the wall behind.

“Ah. So, we are stopping with the games. Good. Makes it much easier to kill you.”

“I don’t wish to fight you!”

“You have no choice!”

Poison flipped one of the two daggers into a throwing position and chucked it at him.

Sabin leapt forward off the wall and threw his arm to the side.

Poison grinned and put his mask back up over his face.

Don’t want his blood tainting me… What?

As Sabin fell towards him, he saw the claws that grew from his fingertips and began to fall back. Slashing across with his dagger, he caught the front of his shirt and was knocked down by the force of Sabin’s body slamming into his.


Hearing a growl, Poison looked up to see a clawed hand coming at his head. Moving it quickly, he heard more than felt the near miss of the hand as it slammed into the pavement beside his head.

Kicking up, he flipped Sabin over his head and rolled forward. Spinning around to confront him again, he saw he was gone.

“Damn. Where’d you go?”

Looking around, Poison gave a low growl and went charging off down the alley.

How’d I loose him… again?

You’re losing your edge. That’s how.

Stopping at the other end of the alley, he searched for signs of a man or beast and found none. Kicking himself, he began running back to the fair.

Damn that creature!


Sabin walked back onto the fairgrounds, fixing his hair to make sure it covered his ears once more and looked for Samantha. He saw her sitting upon a bench and smiled.

Thank the lords she’s safe. But, we must get out of here if I want that to last.

Walking quickly to her, Sabin saw her look up and see him. The bear was in the arms of a child sitting next to her and she smiled back at him.

Standing, Samantha gave him a hug and murmured into his collar.

“Are you alright, my love?”

“Of course. But, we must leave. I’ll explain when we get home.”

Samantha was about to protest when she saw the cut in his shirt under his cloak and nodded. Turning back to the child, she gave a kind smile.

“The bear is yours dear. Take good care of it!”

“I will, ma’am. Thank you!”

She then turned back to Sabin and took his arm. Together, they moved off to find a carriage for rent to head back home in.


Poison scowled as he walked around the area the carriages were parked. He found tracks heading to here, but then they stopped.

Damn it all.

Maybe –

YOU shut up!

Turning, he scowled as he saw his reflection in the metal on the side of one of the carriages.

Have I become that bad? I couldn’t… the woman.

He punched a fist into the palm of his hand and growled, scaring one of the baggage boys.

She must have done this to me. But…

You do not know where to look for her, do you?

Ignoring the voice, he walked away, deep in thoughts.


Sabin carefully got out of the bed, making sure not to wake Samantha as he moved out to the front room.

He went to the fireplace and put another log on. Then, leaning upon his arm against the mantle, he closed his eyes and sighed.

I was lucky this time. But who is that man that he is able to find me so easily? And why… why do I feel drawn to him? Is that how he finds me?

Opening his eyes, he looked deep into the flames of the fire. He let his mind drift as the soothing motions of the fire’s dance played within his eyes.


Turning, he blinked to get the fire’s light out of his eyes and finally saw the shape of Samantha in the doorway.

“Is everything alright, my love?”

“Yes… just watching the flames, my dear.”

“Anju tried to take hold again. Didn’t he? That’s why you returned to me with the cut?”

Sighing, Sabin walked over to her and began to pull her to him when she put a hand on his chest to hold him away.

“You’ll not tempt me back to bed. Tell me the truth.”

“I met another… like me, yet not.”

“Another person merged with a shadow creature?”

“I believe so. But I am uncertain. I’ve not seen him change…”

“Then what makes you believe it is so?”

Sabin looked into her eyes, wondering whether or not to tell her of the strange pull he’d felt as he’d fallen atop the man. His mind raced back to those few frightful seconds…


“I don’t wish to fight you!”

“You have no choice!”

Sabin saw the man move his hand and throw something.

Reacting quickly, he threw himself forward and looked inward.

Anju… I may not always agree with you, But get us through this alive.

He could then feel the slight pain that came as the claws and eyes grew from his flesh.

Looking down into the man’s eyes as he pulled his mask back over his face, Sabin then felt an odd feeling go through him. He saw the man’s eyes widen and he felt the slice of his other dagger drag across his chest.

Landing atop the man, Sabin’s first urge was to hug the man tight.

The Anju took over, growling, and threw his clawed hand out to strike the man’s face, but missed and hit the ground.

Sabin came back to his senses as he felt himself lifted and thrown. As he fell, he allowed himself to take full shadow form and merged with the shadows of the alley.

Watching the man through slotted eyes, he heard him curse.

“Damn. Where’d you go?”

He then saw the man run down the alleyway and took his opportunity to leave. Only one thought ran through his mind as he ran back to the fair.

Why did I want to hug him?



Snapping back to the present, he saw Samantha’s demanding glare and cringed inwardly.

“Sorry, Sam.”

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, as he was about to speak again, she placed her hand on his cheek.

“You just knew… is that it?”

Sabin thought about it for a second.

Maybe that was it… A fellow creature?

“Yes. Yes, I guess that was it, Sam.”

Samantha smiled and kissed him gently.

“Now, was that so hard? Come back to bed, Sabin. It’s cold without you.”

Sabin allowed himself to be pulled back into the room, but he couldn’t get past the nagging feeling that it was something else.


Rubbing his nose, Poison scowled.

Damn thing’s been itchy for too long.

Glancing around, he saw no one near and moved the mask down some to scratch at it. Finally getting the itch to go away, he pulled his mask back up and continued his search.

Stopping before a building he glanced around and sighed. Taking out a small grappling hook, he shot it up and began climbing. Reaching the floor he wanted, he was happy to see the window open.

Gently slipping through, he found a dagger at his throat and a light in his eyes.

“Damn it, Poison! I’ll kill you one of these times if you continue to do that.”

The woman’s voice sounded exasperated, but gentle.

Reaching up, Poison pushed away both arms and grabbed her shoulders.

“Why not keep your window closed then?”

He could finally begin to see details again, and saw her put down the lamp and dagger before reaching up to pull down his mask.

“Because, if people wish to be stupid enough to try and come in my window, love, I’ll teach them it’s not proper.”

She then kissed him and his arms moved around her to hold her close. As they parted, he reached up to take off his hat and tossed it to the side of the room.

“Turn off the lamp, Kat. Then you can teach me my lesson.”

Laughing merrily, Kathryn turned to put out the light.

“I’ve got a couple of lessons for you. One to teach you manners, and the other to teach you to not keep me waiting so long between visits.”

Sighing dramatically as the light faded out, Poison reached out and smiled warmly as he heard a giggle from his touch.

“How’d I know that there’d be something like that?”


Sabin could feel the hot breath on the back of his neck as he ran down the corridor.

“I’m coming to get you.”

“Leave me alone!”

“Now why would I want to do that, Sabin?”

Stopping in his tracks, he turned to face the creature to find nothing there. Taking a step back, he bumped into something that wrapped around him and crushed.


“Don’t fight it, Sabin. You know I’ll get you.”

“No. Let me go. Let me go!”

The being began laughing, the rich sound echoing in Sabin’s ears.

“Let me go! Let me go!”


“Let me go!”


Opening his eyes wide, Sabin looked up into a pair of concerned eyes. Groaning slightly, he turned on his side away from her.

“Are you alright? You were trashing around.”

“I’m sorry, Sam. I didn’t mean to disturb you.”

“It was the other one. Wasn’t it? The man you met? He disturbed your dreams.”

Turning to her, Sabin saw that she was only trying to help him by showing she would listen if he would tell her.

“I don’t know. I didn’t see a face. Just blackness.”

Pushing his hair back behind his ears, Samantha smiled.

“And it wouldn’t be Anju as you know him so well. My love, I wish you would tell me more of that encounter. But I know not to push you.”

Sighing, Sabin took her hands and kissed one.

“I know you do, but this is someone I fear may come after you.”

Samantha tightened her grip on his hands and looked into his eyes.

“You want to find him.”



“So. You failed to get your target?”

“I didn’t fail!”

Poison stood and walked over to a place where he could look out the window at the street below. No one walked the streets at this time, and he allowed the moonlight to fall on him.

Kathryn, watching from the bed, saw how the light reflected off his pale skin. The slight green glow coming from his eyes, and the memory of the scars were all that reminded her that he was more than he seemed in the faint light.

“Arrow, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you. Just… Why did you come to me? You never come here unless you’re between assignments.”

“I need your help.”

Kathryn sat up straight and stared at him.

“You need…”

“Remember the old woman I told you of? I need to find her. She did something to me. I have never… NEVER thought that a target got away like that. I should have felt… known… that he was still there.”

Getting up, Kathryn moved over to him and slid her arms around him. Gently kissing his shoulder, she began pulling him back to the bed.

“I’ll do it. I’ll find her for you. Now, come back to bed. I haven’t seen you for over a month.”

“Damn it woman, you’ll break me!”

They both laughed as he turned in her embrace and tackled her back into the bed. Only the sounds of two lovers came from the room for the rest of the night.


Sabin looked at Samantha and sighed as she packed the last of her things.

Looking over at him, she smiled and moved to hug him.

“Are you sure you want me to leave for now?”

“Yes… I don’t know what I would do if I knew you were harmed.”

“I’ll be fine, Sabin. You focus on yourself. And hopefully, you can come to an agreement with this hunter.”

“I hope so, too.”

Kissing her, he then walked her to the door and watched as she got into the coach to take her off to see her cousin for a few weeks.

“Take care, love.”

The coach then took off, leaving Sabin standing at the door watching it head off down the street.

Now, the final trial. I must find…

Will we destroy him?

Feeling somewhat indifferent now that he knew Samantha was out of the way, Sabin turned to go back into the house, a smile upon his lips.

If he refuses to leave me be. Yes. We destroy him.

Good. I’ll have fun tearing him limb from limb.

Ignoring the fact that the anju had skipped over his thought of leaving the hunter be if he would leave him alone, Sabin thought it wiser to allow the anju its thoughts.

In a walled off section of his mind, where even the anju could not penetrate, he began his plan.


“I found her. Or, at least, think I have.”

Kathryn sat down in Poison’s lap as he tried to get up to go over to her, being woken by her loud entrance into the room.

“Kat. Remind me again of why I put up with your wake up calls?”

“Because of how I put you to sleep, now look at this, is this the woman?”

She held forth a portrait drawn by someone who had a remarkable skill to draw out people from descriptions.

His eyes widening, he snatched the paper, knowing that Kathryn would understand she had found the right one.



Hilda opened the door of her house and moved in. Turning to close the door, she felt a presence behind her and smiled.

“Hello again, Arrow.”

“Hilda… You will die. Slowly or quickly is up to how you answer me. What did you do to me?”

“I stopped you from doing the wrong thing. That night was not the night for you two to fight. That is all.”

“I had a contract to fulfill! Time is money, old woman!”

“Would it have been worth your life?”

She turned around to face him and Poison was taken back by the look in her eyes and the tone of her voice.

“Sabin and the Anju would have killed you, sonny. I like you, sonny. That’s why I got you away from him by letting my presence be felt by you at the other end of the alley. Hiding his.”

Your presence? But why?”

Poison lowered his arm and put the crossbow away, knowing he could draw it as quickly as needed.

“Let it be said I have gifts to see that which is not meant to be seen. Both you and Sabin are needed soon, for something much bigger than a petty contract.”

“Bigger? Out with it, woman!”

“I will tell… later. Want some stew?”

Poison scowled, but her stance and firm jaw told him that she would remain immobile. Plopping down on a nearby chair, he continued to glare at her as she muddled around, putting things together and waited for when she would tell him.

If she doesn’t by nightfall, I’ll kill her.


Sabin heard a knock upon the door. Going to it, he opened it to see a messenger boy there. Smiling, the boy held out the letter that he had been given to deliver. Giving the boy a tip, Sabin took the letter and smiled at him, careful to not show his teeth too well.

The boy tipped his hat and ran off.

Closing the door, Sabin went back into the room, opening the letter. Looking inside, he saw only an address written on it. Sighing heavily, Sabin shook his head.

Looks like he wants me to come to him.

Then, we shall. There will be blood tonight.

Grabbing his hat and cloak, Sabin put them on and left the house to head to the address listed on the paper.


Poison felt something coming closer to the house. A dark presence. He began to take out a dagger when the woman looked over at him.

“You’ll leave my guest be, Arrow.”

Glancing out the window, he saw that there was still an hour before nightfall.


A soft knock sounded on the door.

“Come in dear!”


Sabin heard the old woman’s voice and furrowed his brow.

That didn’t sound right.

Turning the knob, he opened the door. Sitting in a chair facing the door was the hunter, but to his right, buzzing around an open fire, was a calm old woman.

“Sabin! Wonderful you could come. Please, come in and take a seat. Don’t mind the scowling one here. He’s just a bit ticked at me for inviting you.”

Taken back completely by her jovial tone, Sabin fell into a seat near the door. He watched as the woman went back to work on her stew before a shiver up his back directed his attention to the other in the room.

Looking to the hunter, Sabin sighed as he saw the hatred bared naked in his eyes.

“Why do you hate me so?”


Poison heard the question and raised an eyebrow at it.

“I don’t hate you. I have a contract to fulfill.”

“A Bounty Hunter. I knew you were nothing more than a worthless hunter!”

Standing, Poison moved over before him before the old woman could react. Placing his hands on the arms of Sabin’s chair, he leaned forward to look him in the eyes.

“I’m an Assassin. Don’t take me for one of those second rate nobodies!”

Grinning under the mask as Sabin shifted uncomfortably in his chair, Poison continued.

“If it were not for what Hilda had to tell me, I would kill you here and now. But if I do, I don’t find out what I wish to know.”

“Enough, Arrow! Sit down.”

Poison began to turn to rebuke her when he felt a hand grab his arm. Looking down, he saw Sabin looking up at him.

“What is your name?”

Sighing, Poison realized that he might have been underestimating this man all along. Most others would have asked who he was, but this one just flat out asked for a name.

“The Poison Arrow.”

“Thank you. I am Sabin Duvert.”

Poison scowled and pulled his arm away, then turned to go back to his seat. Flopping down in it, he turned his eyes to Hilda and glared at her.


Sabin grinned inwardly to himself.

So, he does have a conscience. Very few men can kill knowing the victims full name.

You are cruel, Sabin. Are you sure you’re not an Anju?

Laughing inwardly, Sabin was surprised to hear the Anju speaking with a sense of humor.


He looked up to see…

“Hilda, was it?”

“Yes. My name is Hilda. Would you like some stew?”

“Uh, yes please. Thank you.”

Hilda smiled and gave him a bowl and some bread before walking over to Poison.

“Damn it woman, I’d have to remove my mask!”

“Not like I haven’t seen ya without it, and if you’re still going to attempt to kill Sabin over there, will it matter if he sees?”

Growling, he accepted the bowl and placed it to the side before reaching up to remove his mask. Glancing at Sabin, he glared slightly.

“Not a word from you about me.”

Sabin watched as the mask was removed and had to take a quick bite of bread to keep himself from gasping.

He looks like a prince or a noble man. How could anyone like that become a killer?

What of yourself?

You’re the killer, I’m the impossible host.

Seeing Poison begin to glare at him for staring, he turned his attention back to his meal.


Poison took the bowl and began eating the stew as quickly as possible.

Why the hell was he staring at me? Lords, it unnerves me.

“Well then, now that we’re all beginning to act civilized…”

Poison snorted, but Hilda continued.

“I’ll tell you the reason I wanted you both here. Things are happening within this world, and it will need strong people to protect it.”

“Protect? Like I would want to protect these rotten people. They pay me to kill each other. What’s that say about the world?”

“That they’re petty beings, bent and determined to destroy another’s life for no reason.”

Poison looked over at Sabin and raised an eyebrow.

“Oh, I suppose they have their reasons, but I don’t need to hear them.”

Sabin turned a glare at him.

“Then, you’re as bad as they are, for you destroy those lives.”

“If I could continue…”

Poison sat back in his chair and put the bowl down. Moving his mask back up, he waved at her to continue.

“For you, Arrow, would it not be best to keep them alive for your business? And you, Sabin, you have those you care about.”

Stroking his chin, Poison grinned.

“I suppose you have a point there. Fine, what is it that I must protect them from?”


Sabin remained quiet in his chair, but his eyes showed the worry in them that her words had brought forth.

“I don’t know what it is precisely, but it comes from the north. I would suggest you travel there. Sabin, I can send a message to your lady, as I can for you, Arrow…”

Sabin saw Poison’s eyes widen in surprise.

He has a lady? How could someone… No, best not to think on it.

“But I feel it is urgent you both travel together on this.”

Sighing, Sabin sat forward and looked into Hilda’s eyes.

“I will go. It may not be the most pleasant of journeys, but if it is necessary to save my Sam…”

He shook his head.

“I would die for her. But, I shall write the message, and if you could get it to her, that would be best.”

“Of course, and you, Arrow?”

“I already said I’d go!”

“I meant about the message to your lady.”

Poison scowled.

“Only write one if I die. She knows I go off for long times.”

“Very well. Best you both get some rest, then start in the morning.”

“One question, Hilda.”

“Yes, Sabin.”

“Why us? Could there not have been two others?”

Hilda chuckled, and Sabin thought he should feel angry at it, but could only feel wonder.

“Because, you two have a lot in common! You’re both men who have seen things that most others your age would not. You both have the love and support of a good woman. And above all, you both have your inner forms. And it is that last that I feel will help the most.”

“Then, it would almost seem you’d wish us to be friends.”

Sabin looked over to Poison to see him sitting with his chin on his fist.

“That was my intent from the very beginning.”


Poison stiffened as he heard the tone of voice she used.

But that’s…

“Yes, it was I who bought your contract, Poison. And now I tell you to rip it up as you’ve served it the way I wished you to.”

“But you hired me to kill him!”

“No. Read the contract. I hired you to find him.”

Sabin laughed from across the room, and Poison found he was so shocked at misreading a contract he joined in.

“Every other contract was to kill. Never have I thought to read them as I have found the buyer to always tell me the details if there was anything fancy to be done with it.”

When the giddiness subsided, Poison sighed and turned to Hilda.

“If I see you tomorrow morning, I shall kill you for this. If you can disappear like you did last time, then do it.”

He then turned away and pulled his cloak about him, preparing for sleep.


Sabin sighed and shook his head.

Definitely an unpleasant journey. But, for once, I feel as if I’ve found my place. I’m home.







Sabin Duvert is Copyright of J.Biggs & The Poison Arrow is Copyright of  G.Touhill

Story and Plot is Copyright of C.Horn

Mousira Squealin, Feb 2005