Sabin Duvert & The Poison Arrow's

Great Gaia Contest!


This section is dedicated to Sabin Duvert's and The Poison Arrow's Art contest :D  Don't know what Gaia is?  Click HERE.   Here is where I will post all of the submissions that I receive for the contest.  To visit the thread where the submissions are posted, etc, click HERE.

**If you entered the contest, make sure your entry is here (especially if you see someone who submitted after you on here.) ALSO, make SURE you Gaia name is spelled correctly - that's who trades will be sent to when the contest is over ^_~ **

Entry # Thumbnail Artist Character Description
1 Ryugen Poison and Sabin, Demon and Anju A wonderful monochrome of both Poison and Sabin casting shadows of their alter egos - wonderful job and very characteristic!  The Black and White is here.
2 Arezou - The Dream Walker Demon and Anju A VERY Intense and incredibly detailed piece of Creante and the Demon Lord sharing a moment - I'll leave the rest to everyone's collective imagination ^_~.
3 Jade-Chan Demon and Anju A really spiffin Yin-Yang pattern of the two - or perhaps it should be Yin-Yin :twisted:
4 mouselet Poison Arrow A profile mostly pencil piece of Poison Arrow with the intense, glowing green eyes.
5 MartyWolfson Sabin and Poisey A really spiffy real-media piece of Sabin and TPA, back to back ^_^
6 MartyWolfson Sabin And a lovely and bishie piece of Sabin, facing the viewer, removing his hat - perhaps making a subtle gesture to Poisey ^~
7 mouselet Demon and Anju A really clever playing-card style entry of the Anju and the Demon Lord :)
8 Merangue Demon and Anju Sabin's Anju and TPA's Demon in the heat of battle, wonderful detail in this pencil piece!
9 [Short Story] Byaggha TPA and Demon A story delving into Poison's backstory and how he came to be possessed by his demon.  Wonderful writing and impressive description of a battle scene!
10 Jade-Chan TPA and Demon Portraits of Poison and the Demon that haunts him in some really smooth CG-ing!
11 Sajhiri Sabin, TPA, Anju, Demon, Samantha, Kat A frikking hilarious scene - Samantha and Kat battle it out... over which of the menfolk have prettier hair XD
12 pikimomo Poisey The much afeared "Poisey"
13 pikimomo Poisey and Pikimomo What's not to like about Poisey ^_^
14 pikimomo 'Binny And Sabin is given a new nickname, much to his chagrin
15 Jade-Chan Anju A very stylized anju with spiffy swirlies!  Very decorative ^_^
16 Jade-Chan Sabin/Anju A neat use of vectors to do a dual pic of Sabin's two natures
17 Milt 04 Sabin Sabin cosplaying as Poisey
18 Glabrezu Sabin, TPA, anju and Demon Glabrezu used our avatar edits by Dragonflie and Kitsune to do this very special comic
19 Mecromace Sabin and Anju A brilliantly dark and twisted piece of Sabin and his darker side - lovely atmosphere!
20 Story +Black+Valentine+ Poisey A very dark Poison Arrow Vignette about an assassination hiring going horribly wrong.
21 inPHnytPHya Sabin and Anju A really well shaded picture of Sabin with the anju looming behind him.
22 Story Mellyse Sumiraka Poison and Sabin And as a stark contrast to Black Valentine's story, a very lighthearted, silly story about a cookie festival.
23 Mousira Poisey Mousira's dramatic Poison Arrow portrait, his eyes shining out of the grayscale of the portrait ^_^
24 Mousira Sabin And to compliment her poison entry, a Sabin piece with his true nature slipping forth
25 Neev K Anju A fantastic piece of the Anju, with great color choice and shading !
26 Songjewel Poisey A poisey potrait with great attention to detail and a very clean coloring job!
27 Sundragyn Poisey and Sabin Sabin and the Poison Arrow, standing by the ocean under the moonlight, looking dramatic
28 Sundragyn Poisey and Bronnie Poisey meets his long lost daughter! :XD
29 [b.l.i.n.d.] Poisey A black and white poisey lineart, looking very confident.
30 [Story] +Black+Valentine+ Sabin An alternate backstory for Sabin - also in her darker writing-style
31 Alestal#1 Poisey's Demon A sketch of Poison's demon :3
32 endejester Sabin, TPA, Anju, Demon A really spiffy pencil piece of both characters and their respective demons, in a very creative layout!!
33 JustPlainJoe Sabin and Poisey and Demons A really neat-styled piece of Sabin and Poisey, depicting the influences of their darker sides
34 JustPlainJoe Sabin, Poisey and demons And a really spiffin sketch also by JPJ with the demon and anju fully manifesting
35 kaptain pico Sabin and Poisey A really cute sketch
36 lea_star Poisey A really dramatic shot of Poison - with a really neat vantage showing off his tattoo of Mask on his back!
Mousira Sabin, Poisey, Anju, Demon Spiffin Smilies!  Yay for fun-ness with these ^^
38 xkys Sabin, Poisey, Anju, Demon Another really awesome primarily black and white piece with Sabin and Poisey - I love the monsterous look of their respective demons - and both Sabin and Poisey look verra nice here :3
39 Dr.Schizophrenia Sabin A very suave and characteristic sketch of Sabin, tipping his hat
40 Dr.Schizophrenia Sabin and Poison Sabin and Poisey, back to back and looking dangerous - Sabin's anju nature slipping through, and Poisey's head cocked, eyeing the viewer.
41 Mousira Sabin and Poison Sabin and Poisey, locked in combat!  Also, pencil shaded version here.
42 Arezou - The Dream Walker Sabin, Poisey, Anju, Demon Sabin and Poison sympathizing with eachother of the troubles they have had with their respective demons (Poison confessing the difficulties he's had with the ladies with his new headmate...), Said headmates in turn find the others' antics all too amusing
43 Mecromace Poison/Demon A very dramatic and eeeeviil looking Poison, the demonic characteristics washing over him :twisted:
44 Anetra_Pendragon Poison A broody back-shot of Poison, the Mask tattoo displayed and demonic traits like his horns manifesting
45 Anetra_Pendragon Poison A frikking HILARIOUS comic with Poisey ^_^
46 pikimomo Poison And another Poisey comic - and the trouble with fangirls.
47 Mousira Sabin and Poisey A whimsical colored pencil pic of headshots of Sabin and Poisey
48 Arezou - The Dream Walker Sabin, Poison, Anju and Demon A very dark and highly detailed pencil work of Temptation - Poisey's demon has Poison and Sabin bound, he and his servants beckoning to Creante to join them.
49 Sirenz Sabin, Poison, Anju and Demon A very well-done traditional mixed-media piece of Sabin, Poison and their darker halves - a very cool layout featuring their respective colors.
50 yoshimichi Sabin and Poison Some really neat anglework in this one and use of background - reminds me of something out of a hitchock or twilight zone ^_^
51 Areve Sabin, Poison, Demon and Anju A dark and sinister-feeling piece that brings the characters out of the dark background like the shadowy creatures they are.
52 Orasteele Sabin A lovely and picturesque portrait of Sabin looking serious
53 [Media Nox] Poison A piece featuring Poison's glowing green eyes
54 pikimomo Sabin and Poisey Pikimomo strikes again!  This time, subjecting poisey and possibly sabin to .... bunny ears!
55 Arezou - The Dream Walker Poison and his Demon "I've Got You" - Poison is being held in a stranglegrip by his demon - metaphorical or literal?  Either intrepretation works well ^__^
56 kaptain pico Sabin and Poison, Anju and Demon A really neat intrepretation of a Yin-Yang pattern with Sabin and Poison and their demons!
57 Ouka005 Sabin and Anju Sabin and the Anju under the full moon - lovely pencils here!
58 Namida Fierce Anju and Demon The anju and Poison's demon holding their signature hats with wicked grins - I wonder who's in control here ^_^
59 Arezou - The Dream Walker Anju and her original character, Arezou The Anju holds Arezou in a wicked grip, feeding from her fear
60 Arezou - The Dream Walker Anju and her original character, Arezou And a comic to go along with the above image - Arezou learns that dream is not a safe place to be.
61 Mouselet Sabin and Anju Fun with yellow stickypads! XD  Sabin and the Anju
62 Mouselet Poison More fun with stickypads - Poison with the demon reflected (view of within?) in his eye.
63 Arezou - The Dream Walker Chibi Anju Whoever knew that fear could be so cute :3
64 Arezou - The Dream Walker Chibi Poisey Look at the cute widdle assassin ^^
65 Kaldeagirl Sabin and Anju/Demon A soft-shaded style CG of Sabin, haunted by the demon wrapped around him
66 Sam Skip Sam Sabin/Anju and Poisey/Demon A freaky-cool piece of Sabin and TPA changing into their darker natures!
67 Mousira TPA A great spoof of the master card commercials, featuring Poisey ^^
68 Mousira Sabin/Anju/Samantha And a companion - featuring Sabin and Samanta :3
69 shayan1122 Sabin and Poison A really neat CG entry of Sabin and Poison - both looking very nice with some smooth CG'ng!
70 ChimeraNell Sabin and Anju The first of a 2-part series of a dark, gritty real-media style of Sabin and the anju (to be paired with a complimentary piece of TPA and his demon.
71 Sajhiri Sabin, Anju, Poison, Demon A fantastic piece full of metaphors, of Poisey pitted against Sabin, both being controlled like puppets or pawns by their respective demons.  "Being Played"
72 [Story] Mousira Sabin, Sam, Anju, Poison, Katt, Demon "Home" - Mousira's finished story - of Poison being assigned to go after Sabin, and the twists and turns along the way.
73 [sketch] Mousira Sabin and Poison A neat sketch of Sabin against Poison ^_^
74 [story] Gendou Sabin and Poison Sabin vs Poison!
75 ChimeraNell Poison and Demon A dark, gritty traditional media piece of Poison and his demon - a compliment to the earlier piece of Sabin
76 [comic - unfinished] ChimeraNell Unfinished Comic not finished :(
77 Hikari Kourien Sabin, Sam, Demon, Anju, Poison, Kat, Kamiki A really ingenious amalgamation of Sabin and Poison's lives, how they met, and the people and themes that have influenced them!
78 Anetra_Pendragon Sabin A nifty Sabin piece of Sabin with style ^^
79 Grayed Poison A dark CG of Poison, arrow knocked and looking sinister
80 Mahii Sabin, Poison, Anju, Demon A relly spiffy Lineart of the two of them and their demons!
81 Mivaelianyn Sabin and Poison A well-shaded piece of Sabina and poison, with lovely costuming and attention to detail!
82 roxbaby Sabin and Poison A duo shot of Sabin and Poison, both looking verra nice :3
83 Sam Skip Sam Sabin and Samantha A cg of Sabin and Samantha sharing a tender moment.



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