Ambrose Maurlias, Modern Version




    Full Name:     Ambrose Vespasien Maurlias

    Race:               Human (werewolf/anthro wolf)
                            ((see below))

    Eye Color:      Clear Blue

    Hair:               Styled and blonde. 
                            On the long-side of acceptable

    Height:            6'

    Occupation:    Student

    Birthday:         January 25, 1985

    Setting:          "Real" world

    Significant Other:  Angelina






This version of Ambrose, the "modern" Ambrose is in truth two different storylines, both of which are retellings/AU's of the original, swashbuckling Ambrose

Both versions deal with Ambrose as if he grew up in a well-to-do family in the modern day, went to high school and lived a relatively normal life, the basic unhappiness in not being able to express his true feelings because of strict adherence to the facade that he thought would make his parents happy aside.  ... until something happens to invoke a transformation of the lupine variety in him.  The backstory is pretty much a direct translation and closest approximation from the swashbuckling version into the modern day, and deals with elements vital to Ambrose's character to shape his same, basic personality.  The other three vital elements (initially unwilling wolf transformation in some way,  fencing, and Angelina - are the four vital characteristics for Ambrose to be Ambrose.  If someone wants to write a new interpretation/storyline/etc - as long as it contains those elements - then all is good ^_~.

The two versions start with the same basic backstory up to High School, and from there branch off into two different modern storylines:

*Version One: High School Ambrose

 has Ambrose dealing with actual lycanthropy as a case of a family curse that skips generations, and lands on his shoulders during those vital personality-shaping years in High School, and various and sundry complications. The story, as written out in brevity, is here:

Modern Ambrose Storyline #1: High School Ambrose


*Version Two: Island of Dr. Moreau

This version was spawned for an online Role-playing game in the Gaia forums for a shop/RP by the aforementioned name: Island of Dr. Moreau.  Here, Ambrose continued with his 'normal' life up until after his freshman year of college, where, after having finally stood up to his parents and did what he wanted to do for college (and was cut off financially) realized that money didn't grow on trees.  Responding to an add in the paper for $5000 for a two week medical study, Ambrose unwittingly became part of an experiment where himself and many other other unfortunate subjects had become part of a genetic experiment that slowly changed them permanently into anthropomorphic animals, and faced a lifetime imprisonment on the mad scientist's island.

Basic Backstory (Pre-Island)

Ambrose's Online Journal - very comprehensive!  But must sign in to Gaia to read it.
*This is a still on-going RP, and Ambrose is currently 50% of the way through his transformation, facing the facts, and facing an Angelina recently brought to the Island, now trapped as well, and had to messily break things off with Emelyn.
            ~0% Official Picture
            ~25% Official Picture

           ~50% Official Picture


This is the same for both versions :)

General Human Appearance/Attitude:

    As a human, Ambrose is tall, thin,  lithe, and attractive.  He is very concerned with his outward appearance and style - and is hygienic to a fault, and tends to wear preppy clothing - along the likes of Abercrombie.  His hair is styled and blonde - and about the maximum length that is still considered 'appropriate'.  He values control, and by maintaining his outward appearance helps him maintain the facade of being in control of himself.
((His appearance is VERY similar to the swashbuckling-version Ambrose, shaving off a few years and with shorter hair.))

Lupine Appearance:

In wolf or hybrid form (or, when he is 100% transformed in the Moreau storyline), Ambrose has gray fur with a lighter underbelly, and streaks of darker gray and black through his fur, especially in areas on his face and along his back.  Most of the grayish areas of his coat, most noticeably in the longer bristly fur of his hackles,  have a lighter blondish undertone/undercoat (like the color of his hair) - especially noticeable in hybrid form, where he retains his human hair.  Further physical aspects of note in hybrid include yellow wolf eyes, pads on his feet and hands, and digitigrade legs. 

Werewolf-version Ambrose: can take on further mixed-forms other than just human, hybrid, and wolf (integrating lupine features into human form - like ears or a tail, or visa versa (a human voicebox in wolf form), etc.  He also manifests a few tell-tale signs in his human form, such as eyebrows that grow together (that he has to pluck each morning), longer, sharper canines, and slight points to his ears.

Transformation Description - I was really bored/inspired one day and decided to write up how I visualized the transformation process to occur - step by step.  ((yes, I'm a bit of a TF nut, and overly verbose in the fact that I even wrote this.)) - if you are drawing a transformation, do not feel obligated in the least to follow this description verbatim- this is just one way I envisioned it :3

Moreau-Version Ambrose - is slowly changing from human to hybrid-form wolf described above.  There is no transforming back.  The changes will happen in four spurts (after supplementary injections), resulting in a 25% change, 50%, 75%, and finally a last 100%.  However, during the process, I foresee Ambrose's hair growing out - eventually to long hair like the swashbuckling version when his transformation completes.

Wolf Photo References

These are examples I've collected from the web of wolf pelt colors that are similar to how I visualize his coat.  These images tend to be THE best examples I have of coat color.   I have yet to get a piece of artwork of Modern Ambrose that nails his coat color - as it unfortunately is a hard pattern to reproduce.

Sample 1 - a piece on DA by Ailah that REALLY stuck me as how I pictured his coat.
Sample 2 - howling Wonderful Real Wolf color reference!
**Sample 3 - Also a FANTASTIC color reference.  This is probably the closest I've seen to the right colors PERIOD.**



((Best Art References will go here one day - when I have enough to warrent it))

Non-Contest Artwork

Auriana Artwork of Ambrose and Angelina, posed for a photograph ^___^
Official Dr. Moreau Artwork (By Sirenz) of Ambrose at 0%.

Official Dr. Moreau Artwork (By Sirenz) of Ambrose at 25%.
Official Dr. Moreau Artwork (By Sirenz) at 50%
Hargun did this spifftacular giftart for me of Ambrose in 2 of his forms 0% and 100% (though in actuality he'll have long hair at 100%).
Perri Indiya's adorable chibi Ambrose, based on the Island of Moreau-version Ambrose on Gaia ^_^
Desna's adorable chibi Ambrose - fully changed, with his epee ^_^
OneOfTwo's Bust-shot of an anxious-looking Modern Ambrose
Perri Indiya's joke sketch of Island Ambrose with Pigtails XD - following an early-morning conversation
Sanura Panthress's awesome couple piece of 100% Ambrose and Angelina (Island of Dr. Moreau Angelina is becoming an genet)
Sundragyn's spifftastic piece of Ambrose at 50%
Dust Entropy's piece of Ambrose on the beach at sunset
Yuoma's inkwork of Modern Ambrose - could be either version - I love the preppy tied sweater ^__^
Bernice commission- one that has been stuck in my mind that I wanted to see brought to life - High School Ambrose and Angelina, on a "movie night" - holed up at her house on the full moons, watching videos, with mounds of snacks/foods lying around the couch.

Contest Artwork

Beat Fu's awesome HS Ambrose & Angelina from the Joint contest
Pandara's Cute couple ^_^
[Short Story] Emelyn's short story - A crossover with Modern Ambrose & Angelina with my other character, Sabin Duvert

Yokochan did a set of modern Ambrose & Angelina pics ^_^
Kiiro_Eriko's Modern Ambrose designwork
1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Kiiro_Eriko's 5-page comic of High School Ambrose's first change
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 LynxKabaro's Transformation sequence
1, 2, 3, 4 Hikari Kourien's comic illustration of High School Ambrose's first change


Full Modern Ambrose Artwork Collection Links

*  MODERN AMBROSE Non-Contest Art Collection  - Not yet enough for its own gallery, see above ^_~

* And click HERE for the smaller contest I ran, but that entirely focuses on Ambrose and transformations ^_^
                - it has a mix of Swashbuckling and Modern Ambrose art :) - Modern Ambrose entries posted on this page ^

* And click HERE for the contest entries for the ENORMOUS joint contest I just finished running with Kamiki
                - it has a mix of Swashbuckling and Modern Ambrose art :) - Modern Ambrose entries posted on this page ^



Need other good references for wolves for artwork?  Check out these great reference sites: - search for "wolves" - over 1000 images!

 Ambrose Maurlias is © Jenny Biggs, aka Arania 2003- present